Search Results for author: Yuan-Ting Zhang

Found 5 papers, 4 papers with code

Open-World Electrocardiogram Classification via Domain Knowledge-Driven Contrastive Learning

1 code implementation Neural Networks 2024 Shuang Zhou, Xiao Huang, Ninghao Liu, Wen Zhang, Yuan-Ting Zhang, Fu-Lai Chung

Overall, the investigated problem (i. e., open-world ECG classification) helps to draw attention to the reliability of automatic ECG diagnosis, and the proposed method is proven effective in tackling the challenges.

Classification Clinical Knowledge +2

Semi-Supervised Learning for Multi-Label Cardiovascular Diseases Prediction:A Multi-Dataset Study

no code implementations18 Jun 2023 Rushuang Zhou, Lei Lu, Zijun Liu, Ting Xiang, Zhen Liang, David A. Clifton, Yining Dong, Yuan-Ting Zhang

However, the label scarcity problem, the co-occurrence of multiple CVDs and the poor performance on unseen datasets greatly hinder the widespread application of deep learning-based models.

Data Augmentation Electrocardiography (ECG) +2

EEGMatch: Learning with Incomplete Labels for Semi-Supervised EEG-based Cross-Subject Emotion Recognition

1 code implementation27 Mar 2023 Rushuang Zhou, Weishan Ye, Zhiguo Zhang, Yanyang Luo, Li Zhang, Linling Li, Gan Huang, Yining Dong, Yuan-Ting Zhang, Zhen Liang

The results show the proposed EEGmatch performs better than the state-of-the-art methods under different incomplete label conditions (with 6. 89% improvement on SEED and 1. 44% improvement on SEED-IV), which demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed EEGMatch in dealing with the label scarcity problem in emotion recognition using EEG signals.

Data Augmentation Domain Adaptation +3

Long-term Blood Pressure Prediction with Deep Recurrent Neural Networks

2 code implementations12 May 2017 Peng Su, Xiao-Rong Ding, Yuan-Ting Zhang, Jing Liu, Fen Miao, Ni Zhao

Existing methods for arterial blood pressure (BP) estimation directly map the input physiological signals to output BP values without explicitly modeling the underlying temporal dependencies in BP dynamics.

Blood pressure estimation Electrocardiography (ECG) +1

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