no code implementations • 30 Apr 2024 • Jiayi Han, Zidi Cao, Weibo Zheng, Xiangguo Zhou, Xiangjian He, Yuanfang Zhang, Daisen Wei
To the point cloud encoders to fit the extremely sparse point clouds without re-running the pre-training procedure which could be time-consuming and expensive, in this work, we propose an unsupervised model adaptation approach to enhance the point cloud encoder for the extremely sparse point clouds.
1 code implementation • 7 Mar 2024 • Xiaoyu Tang, Yixin Lin, Ting Dang, Yuanfang Zhang, Jintao Cheng
In this paper, to model local and global information at different levels of granularity in speech and capture temporal, spatial and channel dependencies in speech signals, we propose a Speech Emotion Recognition network based on CNN-Transformer and multi-dimensional attention mechanisms.
no code implementations • 7 Feb 2024 • Yuanfang Zhang, Junxuan Li, Kaiqing Luo, Yiying Yang, Jiayi Han, Nian Liu, Denghui Qin, Peng Han, Chengpei Xu
Extensive experiments demonstrate that by leveraging V2V communication, the SSC performance can be increased by 8. 3% on geometric metric IoU and 6. 0% mIOU.
no code implementations • 3 May 2023 • Beibei Liu, Yuanfang Zhang, Shiyu Zhang
Afterwards, we take advantage of lasso regression to predict the deviation of guessing times expectation and quadratic programming to obtain the correction of the original distribution. To predict the difficulty levels, we first use hierarchical clustering to classify the difficulty levels based on the expectation of guessing times.