Search Results for author: Yuanwei Li

Found 8 papers, 3 papers with code

FADE: Few-shot/zero-shot Anomaly Detection Engine using Large Vision-Language Model

1 code implementation31 Aug 2024 Yuanwei Li, Elizaveta Ivanova, Martins Bruveris

In this paper, we propose the Few-shot/zero-shot Anomaly Detection Engine (FADE) which leverages the vision-language CLIP model and adjusts it for the purpose of industrial anomaly detection.

Anomaly Segmentation Language Modeling +3

Myocardial Segmentation of Contrast Echocardiograms Using Random Forests Guided by Shape Model

no code implementations19 Jun 2018 Yuanwei Li, Chin Pang Ho, Navtej Chahal, Roxy Senior, Meng-Xing Tang

Myocardial Contrast Echocardiography (MCE) with micro-bubble contrast agent enables myocardial perfusion quantification which is invaluable for the early detection of coronary artery diseases.


Fast Multiple Landmark Localisation Using a Patch-based Iterative Network

1 code implementation18 Jun 2018 Yuanwei Li, Amir Alansary, Juan J. Cerrolaza, Bishesh Khanal, Matthew Sinclair, Jacqueline Matthew, Chandni Gupta, Caroline Knight, Bernhard Kainz, Daniel Rueckert

PIN is computationally efficient since the inference stage only selectively samples a small number of patches in an iterative fashion rather than a dense sampling at every location in the volume.

Multi-Task Learning

Pyramidal Gradient Matching for Optical Flow Estimation

no code implementations11 Apr 2017 Yuanwei Li

In this paper, we present a pyramidal gradient matching approach that can provide dense matches for highly accurate and efficient optical flow estimation.

Optical Flow Estimation

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