Search Results for author: Yubo Wan

Found 5 papers, 0 papers with code

Multi-User Pilot Pattern Optimization for Channel Extrapolation in 5G NR Systems

no code implementations15 Jul 2024 Yubo Wan, An Liu, Tony Q. S. Quek

Finally, we extend the formulated multi-user pilot pattern optimization problem to a multiband scenario, in which multiband gains can be exploited to improve system delay resolution.

A Two-Stage 2D Channel Extrapolation Scheme for TDD 5G NR Systems

no code implementations13 Oct 2023 Yubo Wan, An Liu

A novel two-stage two-dimensional (2D) channel extrapolation scheme in both frequency and time domain is proposed, designed to mitigate the negative effects of imperfection factors and ensure high-accuracy channel estimation.

A Two-stage Multiband WiFi Sensing Scheme via Stochastic Particle-Based Variational Bayesian Inference

no code implementations21 Jul 2022 Zhixiang Hu, An Liu, Yubo Wan, Tony Xiao Han, MinJian Zhao

Multiband fusion enhances WiFi sensing by jointly utilizing signals from multiple non-contiguous frequency bands.

Bayesian Inference

Fundamental Limits and Optimization of Multiband Sensing

no code implementations21 Jul 2022 Yubo Wan, An Liu, Rui Du, Tony Xiao Han

Then, a metric called the statistical resolution limit (SRL) that provides a resolution limit is employed to investigate the fundamental limits of delay resolution.

Multiband Delay Estimation for Localization Using a Two-Stage Global Estimation Scheme

no code implementations20 Jun 2022 Yubo Wan, An Liu, Qiyu Hu, Mianyi Zhang, Yunlong Cai

In the coarse stage, we exploit the group sparsity structure of the multiband channel and propose a Turbo Bayesian inference (Turbo-BI) algorithm to achieve a good initial delay estimation based on a coarse signal model, which is transformed from the original multiband signal model by absorbing the carrier frequency terms.

Bayesian Inference

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