Search Results for author: Yuchen Zheng

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code

LAM-YOLO: Drones-based Small Object Detection on Lighting-Occlusion Attention Mechanism YOLO

no code implementations1 Nov 2024 Yuchen Zheng, Yuxin Jing, Jufeng Zhao, Guangmang Cui

Drone-based target detection presents inherent challenges, such as the high density and overlap of targets in drone-based images, as well as the blurriness of targets under varying lighting conditions, which complicates identification.

object-detection Small Object Detection

Optimal Rejection Function Meets Character Recognition Tasks

no code implementations17 Mar 2022 Xiaotong Ji, Yuchen Zheng, Daiki Suehiro, Seiichi Uchida

The highlights of LwR are: (1) the rejection strategy is not heuristic but has a strong background from a machine learning theory, and (2) the rejection function can be trained on an arbitrary feature space which is different from the feature space for classification.

Classification Learning Theory

Athermal Activation in Glassy Fluid

no code implementations18 Feb 2021 Yuchen Zheng

In this article, the mechanism of the unexpected high fluidity in SiOx nanowire under modest irradiation was proposed, the high fluidity is attributed to the long lifetime of irradiation-induced holes, which arise from formation of small polarons.

Soft Condensed Matter

Regularized Pooling

no code implementations6 May 2020 Takato Otsuzuki, Hideaki Hayashi, Yuchen Zheng, Seiichi Uchida

This means that max pooling is too flexible to compensate for actual deformations.

Dimensionality Reduction

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