Search Results for author: Yucong Lin

Found 7 papers, 1 papers with code

Efficient Non-Exemplar Class-Incremental Learning with Retrospective Feature Synthesis

no code implementations3 Nov 2024 Liang Bai, Hong Song, Yucong Lin, Tianyu Fu, Deqiang Xiao, Danni Ai, Jingfan Fan, Jian Yang

Additionally, we introduce a similarity-based feature compensation mechanism that integrates generated old class features with similar new class features to synthesize robust retrospective representations.

class-incremental learning Class Incremental Learning +1

Hierarchical Pretraining for Biomedical Term Embeddings

no code implementations1 Jul 2023 Bryan Cai, Sihang Zeng, Yucong Lin, Zheng Yuan, Doudou Zhou, Lu Tian

Electronic health records (EHR) contain narrative notes that provide extensive details on the medical condition and management of patients.

Decision Making Knowledge Graphs +3

Knowledge-Enhanced Relation Extraction Dataset

no code implementations19 Oct 2022 Yucong Lin, Hongming Xiao, Jiani Liu, Zichao Lin, Keming Lu, Feifei Wang, Wei Wei

Recently, knowledge-enhanced methods leveraging auxiliary knowledge graphs have emerged in relation extraction, surpassing traditional text-based approaches.

Entity Linking Knowledge Graphs +3

BIOS: An Algorithmically Generated Biomedical Knowledge Graph

no code implementations18 Mar 2022 Sheng Yu, Zheng Yuan, Jun Xia, Shengxuan Luo, Huaiyuan Ying, Sihang Zeng, Jingyi Ren, Hongyi Yuan, Zhengyun Zhao, Yucong Lin, Keming Lu, Jing Wang, Yutao Xie, Heung-Yeung Shum

For decades, these knowledge graphs have been developed via expert curation; however, this method can no longer keep up with today's AI development, and a transition to algorithmically generated BioMedKGs is necessary.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Knowledge Graphs +3

Multimodal Learning on Graphs for Disease Relation Extraction

1 code implementation16 Mar 2022 Yucong Lin, Keming Lu, Sheng Yu, Tianxi Cai, Marinka Zitnik

On a dataset annotated by human experts, REMAP improves text-based disease relation extraction by 10. 0% (accuracy) and 17. 2% (F1-score) by fusing disease knowledge graphs with text information.

Knowledge Graphs Relation +1

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