Search Results for author: Yudong Pan

Found 4 papers, 3 papers with code

COMET: Towards Partical W4A4KV4 LLMs Serving

no code implementations16 Oct 2024 Lian Liu, Haimeng Ren, Long Cheng, Zhaohui Xu, Yudong Pan, Mengdi Wang, Xiaowei Li, Yinhe Han, Ying Wang

We integrate the optimized W4Ax kernel into our inference framework, COMET, and provide efficient management to support popular LLMs such as LLaMA-3-70B.

Quantization Scheduling

Data is all you need: Finetuning LLMs for Chip Design via an Automated design-data augmentation framework

1 code implementation17 Mar 2024 Kaiyan Chang, Kun Wang, Nan Yang, Ying Wang, Dantong Jin, Wenlong Zhu, Zhirong Chen, Cangyuan Li, Hao Yan, Yunhao Zhou, Zhuoliang Zhao, Yuan Cheng, Yudong Pan, Yiqi Liu, Mengdi Wang, Shengwen Liang, Yinhe Han, Huawei Li, Xiaowei Li

Our 13B model (ChipGPT-FT) has a pass rate improvement compared with GPT-3. 5 in Verilog generation and outperforms in EDA script (i. e., SiliconCompiler) generation with only 200 EDA script data.

Data Augmentation Script Generation

Short-length SSVEP data extension by a novel generative adversarial networks based framework

1 code implementation13 Jan 2023 Yudong Pan, Ning li, Yangsong Zhang, Peng Xu, Dezhong Yao

This study substantiates the feasibility of the proposed method to extend the data length for short-time SSVEP signals for developing a high-performance BCI system.


A Transformer-based deep neural network model for SSVEP classification

2 code implementations9 Oct 2022 Jianbo Chen, Yangsong Zhang, Yudong Pan, Peng Xu, Cuntai Guan

The proposed model validates the feasibility of deep learning models based on Transformer structure for SSVEP classification task, and could serve as a potential model to alleviate the calibration procedure in the practical application of SSVEP-based BCI systems.

Classification EEG +2

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