Search Results for author: Yueguo Chen

Found 6 papers, 3 papers with code

Large Language Model for Table Processing: A Survey

no code implementations4 Feb 2024 Weizheng Lu, Jing Zhang, Ju Fan, Zihao Fu, Yueguo Chen, Xiaoyong Du

Tables, typically two-dimensional and structured to store large amounts of data, are essential in daily activities like database queries, spreadsheet manipulations, web table question answering, and image table information extraction.

Fact Verification Language Modelling +4

REAL: A Representative Error-Driven Approach for Active Learning

1 code implementation3 Jul 2023 Cheng Chen, Yong Wang, Lizi Liao, Yueguo Chen, Xiaoyong Du

Given a limited labeling budget, active learning (AL) aims to sample the most informative instances from an unlabeled pool to acquire labels for subsequent model training.

Active Learning Diversity +3

Multi-view Semantic Matching of Question retrieval using Fine-grained Semantic Representations

no code implementations21 Oct 2022 Li Chong, Denghao Ma, Yueguo Chen

Distinct from the previous solutions, we propose to construct fine-grained semantic representations of a question by a learned importance score assigned to each keyword, so that we can achieve a fine-grained question matching solution with these semantic representations of different lengths.

Keyword Extraction Question Answering +3

CCSL: A Causal Structure Learning Method from Multiple Unknown Environments

1 code implementation18 Nov 2021 Wei Chen, Yunjin Wu, Ruichu Cai, Yueguo Chen, Zhifeng Hao

This method simultaneously integrates the following two tasks: 1) clustering samples of the subjects with the same causal mechanism into different groups; 2) learning causal structures from the samples within the group.

Causal Discovery Clustering +1

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