Search Results for author: Yuelong Li

Found 11 papers, 4 papers with code

Direct and Explicit 3D Generation from a Single Image

no code implementations17 Nov 2024 HaoYu Wu, Meher Gitika Karumuri, Chuhang Zou, Seungbae Bang, Yuelong Li, Dimitris Samaras, Sunil Hadap

Current image-to-3D approaches suffer from high computational costs and lack scalability for high-resolution outputs.

3D Generation Decoder +2

MRC-Net: 6-DoF Pose Estimation with MultiScale Residual Correlation

1 code implementation CVPR 2024 Yuelong Li, Yafei Mao, Raja Bala, Sunil Hadap

Connecting the two stages is a novel multi-scale residual correlation (MRC) layer that captures high-and-low level correspondences between the input image and rendering from first stage.

Pose Estimation

Deep, convergent, unrolled half-quadratic splitting for image deconvolution

1 code implementation20 Feb 2024 Yanan Zhao, Yuelong Li, Haichuan Zhang, Vishal Monga, Yonina C. Eldar

Through extensive experimental studies, we verify that our approach achieves competitive performance with state-of-the-art unrolled layer-specific learning and significantly improves over the traditional HQS algorithm.

Deblurring Image Deblurring +1

Deep Algorithm Unrolling for Biomedical Imaging

no code implementations15 Aug 2021 Yuelong Li, Or Bar-Shira, Vishal Monga, Yonina C. Eldar

In this chapter, we review biomedical applications and breakthroughs via leveraging algorithm unrolling, an important technique that bridges between traditional iterative algorithms and modern deep learning techniques.

Image Generation Rolling Shutter Correction

Deep Algorithm Unrolling for Blind Image Deblurring

no code implementations9 Feb 2019 Yuelong Li, Mohammad Tofighi, Junyi Geng, Vishal Monga, Yonina C. Eldar

We then unroll the algorithm to construct a neural network for image deblurring which we refer to as Deep Unrolling for Blind Deblurring (DUBLID).

Blind Image Deblurring Image Deblurring +1

An Algorithm Unrolling Approach to Deep Image Deblurring

no code implementations9 Feb 2019 Yuelong Li, Mohammad Tofighi, Vishal Monga, Yonina C. Eldar

We first present an iterative algorithm that may be considered a generalization of the traditional total-variation regularization method on the gradient domain, and subsequently unroll the half-quadratic splitting algorithm to construct a neural network.

Blind Image Deblurring Image Deblurring +1

Blind Image Deblurring Using Row-Column Sparse Representations

no code implementations5 Dec 2017 Mohammad Tofighi, Yuelong Li, Vishal Monga

Blind image deblurring is a particularly challenging inverse problem where the blur kernel is unknown and must be estimated en route to recover the deblurred image.

Blind Image Deblurring Image Deblurring

A Maximum A Posteriori Estimation Framework for Robust High Dynamic Range Video Synthesis

no code implementations8 Dec 2016 Yuelong Li, Chul Lee, Vishal Monga

For HDR video, a stiff practical challenge presents itself in the form of accurate correspondence estimation of objects between video frames.

Image Generation Optical Flow Estimation

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