Search Results for author: Yuelong Wang

Found 3 papers, 2 papers with code

Tracking Transforming Objects: A Benchmark

1 code implementation28 Apr 2024 You Wu, Yuelong Wang, Yaxin Liao, Fuliang Wu, Hengzhou Ye, Shuiwang Li

We provide carefully hand-annotated bounding boxes for each frame within these sequences, making DTTO the pioneering benchmark dedicated to tracking transforming objects.

Scenario Generation for Cooling, Heating, and Power Loads Using Generative Moment Matching Networks

no code implementations5 Feb 2021 Wenlong Liao, Yusen Wang, Yuelong Wang, Kody Powell, Qi Liu, Zhe Yang

Scenario generations of cooling, heating, and power loads are of great significance for the economic operation and stability analysis of integrated energy systems.

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