Search Results for author: Yueqi Zhu

Found 3 papers, 2 papers with code

Working memory inspired hierarchical video decomposition with transformative representations

1 code implementation21 Apr 2022 Binjie Qin, Haohao Mao, Ruipeng Zhang, Yueqi Zhu, Song Ding, Xu Chen

Video decomposition is very important to extract moving foreground objects from complex backgrounds in computer vision, machine learning, and medical imaging, e. g., extracting moving contrast-filled vessels from the complex and noisy backgrounds of X-ray coronary angiography (XCA).

Computational Efficiency Retrieval +1

Robust PCA Unrolling Network for Super-resolution Vessel Extraction in X-ray Coronary Angiography

no code implementations16 Apr 2022 Binjie Qin, Haohao Mao, Yiming Liu, Jun Zhao, Yisong Lv, Yueqi Zhu, Song Ding, Xu Chen

Although robust PCA has been increasingly adopted to extract vessels from X-ray coronary angiography (XCA) images, challenging problems such as inefficient vessel-sparsity modelling, noisy and dynamic background artefacts, and high computational cost still remain unsolved.

feature selection Rolling Shutter Correction +1

Sequential vessel segmentation via deep channel attention network

1 code implementation10 Feb 2021 Dongdong Hao, Song Ding, Linwei Qiu, Yisong Lv, Baowei Fei, Yueqi Zhu, Binjie Qin

To efficiently discriminate vessel features from the complex and noisy backgrounds in the XCA images, the decoder stage effectively utilizes channel attention blocks to refine the intermediate feature maps from skip connection layers for subsequently decoding the refined features in 2D ways to produce the segmented vessel masks.


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