Search Results for author: Yueqing Xuan

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

Perfect Counterfactuals in Imperfect Worlds: Modelling Noisy Implementation of Actions in Sequential Algorithmic Recourse

no code implementations3 Oct 2024 Yueqing Xuan, Kacper Sokol, Mark Sanderson, Jeffrey Chan

Algorithmic recourse provides actions to individuals who have been adversely affected by automated decision-making and helps them achieve a desired outcome.

Navigating Explanatory Multiverse Through Counterfactual Path Geometry

1 code implementation5 Jun 2023 Kacper Sokol, Edward Small, Yueqing Xuan

Counterfactual explanations are the de facto standard when tasked with interpreting decisions of (opaque) predictive models.

Attribute counterfactual +1

More Is Less: When Do Recommenders Underperform for Data-rich Users?

no code implementations15 Apr 2023 Yueqing Xuan, Kacper Sokol, Jeffrey Chan, Mark Sanderson

Users of recommender systems tend to differ in their level of interaction with these algorithms, which may affect the quality of recommendations they receive and lead to undesirable performance disparity.

Recommendation Systems

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