Search Results for author: Yuewei Lin

Found 29 papers, 7 papers with code

Macro2Micro: Cross-modal Magnetic Resonance Imaging Synthesis Leveraging Multi-scale Brain Structures

no code implementations15 Dec 2024 Sooyoung Kim, Joonwoo Kwon, Junbeom Kwon, Sangyoon Bae, Yuewei Lin, Shinjae Yoo, Jiook Cha

Spanning multiple scales-from macroscopic anatomy down to intricate microscopic architecture-the human brain exemplifies a complex system that demands integrated approaches to fully understand its complexity.

Anatomy Generative Adversarial Network +1

A Training-Free Approach for Music Style Transfer with Latent Diffusion Models

no code implementations24 Nov 2024 Sooyoung Kim, Joonwoo Kwon, Heehwan Wang, Shinjae Yoo, Yuewei Lin, Jiook Cha

Music style transfer, while offering exciting possibilities for personalized music generation, often requires extensive training or detailed textual descriptions.

Music Generation Music Style Transfer +1

Revisiting Your Memory: Reconstruction of Affect-Contextualized Memory via EEG-guided Audiovisual Generation

no code implementations24 Nov 2024 Joonwoo Kwon, Heehwan Wang, Jinwoo Lee, Sooyoung Kim, Shinjae Yoo, Yuewei Lin, Jiook Cha

In this paper, we introduce RecallAffectiveMemory, a novel task designed to reconstruct autobiographical memories through audio-visual generation guided by affect extracted from electroencephalogram (EEG) signals.


FCC: Fully Connected Correlation for Few-Shot Segmentation

no code implementations18 Nov 2024 Seonghyeon Moon, Haein Kong, Muhammad Haris Khan, Yuewei Lin

Therefore, having strong prior information for the target object using the support set is essential for guiding the initial training of FSS, which leads to the success of few-shot segmentation in challenging cases, such as when the target object shows considerable variation in appearance, texture, or scale across the support and query images.

LoReTrack: Efficient and Accurate Low-Resolution Transformer Tracking

no code implementations27 May 2024 Shaohua Dong, Yunhe Feng, Qing Yang, Yuewei Lin, Heng Fan

In this paper, we aim to mitigate such information loss to boost the performance of the low-resolution Transformer tracking via dual knowledge distillation from a frozen high-resolution (but not a larger) Transformer tracker.

Knowledge Distillation Visual Object Tracking

Efficient Temporal Action Segmentation via Boundary-aware Query Voting

1 code implementation25 May 2024 Peiyao Wang, Yuewei Lin, Erik Blasch, Jie Wei, Haibin Ling

Although the performance of Temporal Action Segmentation (TAS) has improved in recent years, achieving promising results often comes with a high computational cost due to dense inputs, complex model structures, and resource-intensive post-processing requirements.

Action Segmentation Instance Segmentation +3

VAPO: Visibility-Aware Keypoint Localization for Efficient 6DoF Object Pose Estimation

no code implementations21 Mar 2024 Ruyi Lian, Yuewei Lin, Longin Jan Latecki, Haibin Ling

Since keypoint visibility information is currently missing in the dataset collection process, we propose an efficient way to generate binary visibility labels from available object-level annotations, for keypoints of both asymmetric objects and symmetric objects.

Object Pose Estimation

DD-RobustBench: An Adversarial Robustness Benchmark for Dataset Distillation

1 code implementation20 Mar 2024 Yifan Wu, Jiawei Du, Ping Liu, Yuewei Lin, Wei Xu, Wenqing Cheng

Dataset distillation is an advanced technique aimed at compressing datasets into significantly smaller counterparts, while preserving formidable training performance.

Adversarial Attack Adversarial Robustness +1

EVD4UAV: An Altitude-Sensitive Benchmark to Evade Vehicle Detection in UAV

1 code implementation8 Mar 2024 Huiming Sun, Jiacheng Guo, Zibo Meng, Tianyun Zhang, Jianwu Fang, Yuewei Lin, Hongkai Yu

One white-box and two black-box patch based attack methods are implemented to attack three classic deep neural networks based object detectors on EVD4UAV.

Image Segmentation Object Detection +1

AesFA: An Aesthetic Feature-Aware Arbitrary Neural Style Transfer

1 code implementation10 Dec 2023 Joonwoo Kwon, Sooyoung Kim, Yuewei Lin, Shinjae Yoo, Jiook Cha

The primary idea is to decompose the image via its frequencies to better disentangle aesthetic styles from the reference image while training the entire model in an end-to-end manner to exclude pre-trained models at inference completely.

Disentanglement Style Transfer

Integrated Sensing and Communication Signal Processing Based on Compressed Sensing Over Unlicensed Spectrum Bands

no code implementations4 Oct 2023 Haotian Liu, Zhiqing Wei, Fengyun Li, Yuewei Lin, Hanyang Qu, Huici Wu, Zhiyong Feng

The ISAC-enabled mobile communication system regularly operate in non-continuous spectrum bands due to crowded licensed frequency bands.

Exploring Robust Features for Improving Adversarial Robustness

no code implementations9 Sep 2023 Hong Wang, Yuefan Deng, Shinjae Yoo, Yuewei Lin

In this paper, we strive to explore the robust features which are not affected by the adversarial perturbations, i. e., invariant to the clean image and its adversarial examples, to improve the model's adversarial robustness.

Adversarial Robustness Disentanglement

INSURE: An Information Theory Inspired Disentanglement and Purification Model for Domain Generalization

no code implementations8 Sep 2023 Xi Yu, Huan-Hsin Tseng, Shinjae Yoo, Haibin Ling, Yuewei Lin

Specifically, we first propose an information theory inspired loss function to ensure the disentangled class-relevant features contain sufficient class label information and the other disentangled auxiliary feature has sufficient domain information.

Disentanglement Domain Generalization

Defense against Adversarial Cloud Attack on Remote Sensing Salient Object Detection

no code implementations30 Jun 2023 Huiming Sun, Lan Fu, Jinlong Li, Qing Guo, Zibo Meng, Tianyun Zhang, Yuewei Lin, Hongkai Yu

Furthermore, we design DefenseNet as a learn-able pre-processing to the adversarial cloudy images so as to preserve the performance of the deep learning based remote sensing SOD model, without tuning the already deployed deep SOD model.

Adversarial Attack Deep Learning +3

Coarse-to-fine Task-driven Inpainting for Geoscience Images

no code implementations20 Nov 2022 Huiming Sun, Jin Ma, Qing Guo, Qin Zou, Shaoyue Song, Yuewei Lin, Hongkai Yu

To the best of our knowledge, all the existing image inpainting algorithms learn to repair the occluded regions for a better visualization quality, they are excellent for natural images but not good enough for geoscience images by ignoring the geoscience related tasks.

Data Augmentation Decoder +3

AGKD-BML: Defense Against Adversarial Attack by Attention Guided Knowledge Distillation and Bi-directional Metric Learning

1 code implementation ICCV 2021 Hong Wang, Yuefan Deng, Shinjae Yoo, Haibin Ling, Yuewei Lin

The attention knowledge is obtained from a weight-fixed model trained on a clean dataset, referred to as a teacher model, and transferred to a model that is under training on adversarial examples (AEs), referred to as a student model.

Adversarial Attack Adversarial Robustness +3

Automated Deepfake Detection

no code implementations20 Jun 2021 Ping Liu, Yuewei Lin, Yang He, Yunchao Wei, Liangli Zhen, Joey Tianyi Zhou, Rick Siow Mong Goh, Jingen Liu

In this paper, we propose to utilize Automated Machine Learning to adaptively search a neural architecture for deepfake detection.

BIG-bench Machine Learning DeepFake Detection +1

Point Adversarial Self Mining: A Simple Method for Facial Expression Recognition

no code implementations26 Aug 2020 Ping Liu, Yuewei Lin, Zibo Meng, Lu Lu, Weihong Deng, Joey Tianyi Zhou, Yi Yang

In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective approach, named Point Adversarial Self Mining (PASM), to improve the recognition accuracy in facial expression recognition.

Adversarial Attack Data Augmentation +4

Interpreting Galaxy Deblender GAN from the Discriminator's Perspective

no code implementations17 Jan 2020 Heyi Li, Yuewei Lin, Klaus Mueller, Wei Xu

Using the Galaxy Zoo dataset we demonstrate that our method clearly reveals attention areas of the Discriminator when differentiating generated galaxy images from ground truth images.

Astronomy Data Augmentation

Improved Deep Hashing with Soft Pairwise Similarity for Multi-label Image Retrieval

1 code implementation8 Mar 2018 Zheng Zhang, Qin Zou, Yuewei Lin, Long Chen, Song Wang

In this paper, a new deep hashing method is proposed for multi-label image retrieval by re-defining the pairwise similarity into an instance similarity, where the instance similarity is quantified into a percentage based on the normalized semantic labels.

Deep Hashing Multi-Label Image Retrieval

Groupwise Tracking of Crowded Similar-Appearance Targets From Low-Continuity Image Sequences

no code implementations CVPR 2016 Hongkai Yu, Youjie Zhou, Jeff Simmons, Craig P. Przybyla, Yuewei Lin, Xiaochuan Fan, Yang Mi, Song Wang

In particular, the within-group association is modeled by a nonrigid 2D Thin-Plate transform and a sequence of group shrinking, group growing and group merging operations are then developed to refine the composition of each group.

Cell Tracking

Co-interest Person Detection from Multiple Wearable Camera Videos

no code implementations ICCV 2015 Yuewei Lin, Kareem Ezzeldeen, Youjie Zhou, Xiaochuan Fan, Hongkai Yu, Hui Qian, Song Wang

Wearable cameras, such as Google Glass and Go Pro, enable video data collection over larger areas and from different views.

Human Detection

Unsupervised Cross-Domain Recognition by Identifying Compact Joint Subspaces

no code implementations5 Sep 2015 Yuewei Lin, Jing Chen, Yu Cao, Youjie Zhou, Lingfeng Zhang, Yuan Yan Tang, Song Wang

By adopting a natural and widely used assumption -- "the data samples from the same class should lay on a low-dimensional subspace, even if they come from different domains", the proposed method circumvents the limitation of the global domain shift, and solves the cross-domain recognition by finding the compact joint subspaces of source and target domain.

Domain Adaptation Object Recognition +2

LooseCut: Interactive Image Segmentation with Loosely Bounded Boxes

no code implementations11 Jul 2015 Hongkai Yu, Youjie Zhou, Hui Qian, Min Xian, Yuewei Lin, Dazhou Guo, Kang Zheng, Kareem Abdelfatah, Song Wang

In this paper, we develop a new LooseCut algorithm that can handle cases where the input bounding box only loosely covers the foreground object.

Image Segmentation Object +5

Combining Local Appearance and Holistic View: Dual-Source Deep Neural Networks for Human Pose Estimation

1 code implementation CVPR 2015 Xiaochuan Fan, Kang Zheng, Yuewei Lin, Song Wang

We propose a new learning-based method for estimating 2D human pose from a single image, using Dual-Source Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DS-CNN).

Pose Estimation

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