Search Results for author: Yuewen Sun

Found 7 papers, 4 papers with code

Causal Representation Learning from Multimodal Biological Observations

no code implementations10 Nov 2024 Yuewen Sun, Lingjing Kong, Guangyi Chen, Loka Li, Gongxu Luo, Zijian Li, Yixuan Zhang, Yujia Zheng, Mengyue Yang, Petar Stojanov, Eran Segal, Eric P. Xing, Kun Zhang

Theoretically, we consider a flexible nonparametric latent distribution (c. f., parametric assumptions in prior work) permitting causal relationships across potentially different modalities.

Representation Learning

On the Parameter Identifiability of Partially Observed Linear Causal Models

1 code implementation24 Jul 2024 Xinshuai Dong, Ignavier Ng, Biwei Huang, Yuewen Sun, Songyao Jin, Roberto Legaspi, Peter Spirtes, Kun Zhang

Linear causal models are important tools for modeling causal dependencies and yet in practice, only a subset of the variables can be observed.

Counterfactual Reasoning Using Predicted Latent Personality Dimensions for Optimizing Persuasion Outcome

no code implementations21 Apr 2024 Donghuo Zeng, Roberto S. Legaspi, Yuewen Sun, Xinshuai Dong, Kazushi Ikeda, Peter Spirtes, Kun Zhang

In this paper, we present a novel approach that tracks a user's latent personality dimensions (LPDs) during ongoing persuasion conversation and generates tailored counterfactual utterances based on these LPDs to optimize the overall persuasion outcome.

counterfactual Counterfactual Reasoning +1

CaRiNG: Learning Temporal Causal Representation under Non-Invertible Generation Process

1 code implementation25 Jan 2024 Guangyi Chen, Yifan Shen, Zhenhao Chen, Xiangchen Song, Yuewen Sun, Weiran Yao, Xiao Liu, Kun Zhang

Identifying the underlying time-delayed latent causal processes in sequential data is vital for grasping temporal dynamics and making downstream reasoning.

Deep Radon Prior: A Fully Unsupervised Framework for Sparse-View CT Reconstruction

no code implementations30 Dec 2023 Shuo Xu, Yucheng Zhang, Gang Chen, Xincheng Xiang, Peng Cong, Yuewen Sun

In this study, we propose a fully unsupervised framework called Deep Radon Prior (DRP), inspired by Deep Image Prior (DIP), to address the aforementioned limitations.

Computed Tomography (CT) CT Reconstruction

Learning Temporally Causal Latent Processes from General Temporal Data

2 code implementations11 Oct 2021 Weiran Yao, Yuewen Sun, Alex Ho, Changyin Sun, Kun Zhang

In this work, we consider both a nonparametric, nonstationary setting and a parametric setting for the latent processes and propose two provable conditions under which temporally causal latent processes can be identified from their nonlinear mixtures.

Causal Discovery Representation Learning +1

Learning Temporally Latent Causal Processes from General Temporal Data

2 code implementations ICLR 2022 Weiran Yao, Yuewen Sun, Alex Ho, Changyin Sun, Kun Zhang

Our goal is to find time-delayed latent causal variables and identify their relations from temporal measured variables.

Causal Discovery Disentanglement +1

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