Search Results for author: Yufei Hu

Found 3 papers, 2 papers with code

Robust Semantic Segmentation with Superpixel-Mix

2 code implementations2 Aug 2021 Gianni Franchi, Nacim Belkhir, Mai Lan Ha, Yufei Hu, Andrei Bursuc, Volker Blanz, Angela Yao

Along with predictive performance and runtime speed, reliability is a key requirement for real-world semantic segmentation.

Data Augmentation Segmentation +2

Learning Deep Morphological Networks with Neural Architecture Search

1 code implementation14 Jun 2021 Yufei Hu, Nacim Belkhir, Jesus Angulo, Angela Yao, Gianni Franchi

Using a combination of linear and non-linear procedures is critical for generating a sufficiently deep feature space.

Edge Detection Meta-Learning +1

Surrogate Supervision for Medical Image Analysis: Effective Deep Learning From Limited Quantities of Labeled Data

no code implementations25 Jan 2019 Nima Tajbakhsh, Yufei Hu, Junli Cao, Xingjian Yan, Yi Xiao, Yong Lu, Jianming Liang, Demetri Terzopoulos, Xiaowei Ding

We investigate the effectiveness of a simple solution to the common problem of deep learning in medical image analysis with limited quantities of labeled training data.

Colorization Medical Image Analysis +1

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