Search Results for author: Yuguang Yao

Found 20 papers, 11 papers with code

FairSkin: Fair Diffusion for Skin Disease Image Generation

no code implementations29 Oct 2024 Ruichen Zhang, Yuguang Yao, Zhen Tan, Zhiming Li, Pan Wang, Huan Liu, Jingtong Hu, Sijia Liu, Tianlong Chen

Diffusion Model (DM) has become a leading method in generating synthetic medical images, but it suffers from a critical twofold bias: (1) The quality of images generated for Caucasian individuals is significantly higher, as measured by the Frechet Inception Distance (FID).

Data Augmentation Diversity +1

Prompt Diffusion Robustifies Any-Modality Prompt Learning

no code implementations26 Oct 2024 Yingjun Du, Gaowen Liu, Yuzhang Shang, Yuguang Yao, Ramana Kompella, Cees G. M. Snoek

This paper introduces prompt diffusion, which uses a diffusion model to gradually refine the prompts to obtain a customized prompt for each sample.

Computational Efficiency Domain Generalization +1

Adversarial Watermarking for Face Recognition

no code implementations24 Sep 2024 Yuguang Yao, Anil Jain, Sijia Liu

Watermarking is an essential technique for embedding an identifier (i. e., watermark message) within digital images to assert ownership and monitor unauthorized alterations.

Face Recognition

Hide and Seek: How Does Watermarking Impact Face Recognition?

no code implementations29 Apr 2024 Yuguang Yao, Steven Grosz, Sijia Liu, Anil Jain

The recent progress in generative models has revolutionized the synthesis of highly realistic images, including face images.

Data Augmentation Decoder +3

Backdoor Secrets Unveiled: Identifying Backdoor Data with Optimized Scaled Prediction Consistency

1 code implementation15 Mar 2024 Soumyadeep Pal, Yuguang Yao, Ren Wang, Bingquan Shen, Sijia Liu

Based on this, we pose the backdoor data identification problem as a hierarchical data splitting optimization problem, leveraging a novel SPC-based loss function as the primary optimization objective.

backdoor defense

UnlearnCanvas: Stylized Image Dataset for Enhanced Machine Unlearning Evaluation in Diffusion Models

1 code implementation19 Feb 2024 Yihua Zhang, Chongyu Fan, Yimeng Zhang, Yuguang Yao, Jinghan Jia, Jiancheng Liu, Gaoyuan Zhang, Gaowen Liu, Ramana Rao Kompella, Xiaoming Liu, Sijia Liu

The technological advancements in diffusion models (DMs) have demonstrated unprecedented capabilities in text-to-image generation and are widely used in diverse applications.

Machine Unlearning Style Transfer +1

An Introduction to Bi-level Optimization: Foundations and Applications in Signal Processing and Machine Learning

no code implementations1 Aug 2023 Yihua Zhang, Prashant Khanduri, Ioannis Tsaknakis, Yuguang Yao, Mingyi Hong, Sijia Liu

Overall, we hope that this article can serve to accelerate the adoption of BLO as a generic tool to model, analyze, and innovate on a wide array of emerging SP and ML applications.

Model Sparsity Can Simplify Machine Unlearning

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2023 Jinghan Jia, Jiancheng Liu, Parikshit Ram, Yuguang Yao, Gaowen Liu, Yang Liu, Pranay Sharma, Sijia Liu

We show in both theory and practice that model sparsity can boost the multi-criteria unlearning performance of an approximate unlearner, closing the approximation gap, while continuing to be efficient.

Machine Unlearning Transfer Learning

SMUG: Towards robust MRI reconstruction by smoothed unrolling

2 code implementations14 Mar 2023 Hui Li, Jinghan Jia, Shijun Liang, Yuguang Yao, Saiprasad Ravishankar, Sijia Liu

To address this problem, we propose a novel image reconstruction framework, termed SMOOTHED UNROLLING (SMUG), which advances a deep unrolling-based MRI reconstruction model using a randomized smoothing (RS)-based robust learning operation.

Adversarial Defense Image Classification +2

Can Adversarial Examples Be Parsed to Reveal Victim Model Information?

1 code implementation13 Mar 2023 Yuguang Yao, Jiancheng Liu, Yifan Gong, Xiaoming Liu, Yanzhi Wang, Xue Lin, Sijia Liu

We call this 'model parsing of adversarial attacks' - a task to uncover 'arcana' in terms of the concealed VM information in attacks.

Adversarial Attack

Towards Understanding How Self-training Tolerates Data Backdoor Poisoning

no code implementations20 Jan 2023 Soumyadeep Pal, Ren Wang, Yuguang Yao, Sijia Liu

In this paper, we explore the potential of self-training via additional unlabeled data for mitigating backdoor attacks.

backdoor defense Representation Learning

Understanding and Improving Visual Prompting: A Label-Mapping Perspective

1 code implementation CVPR 2023 Aochuan Chen, Yuguang Yao, Pin-Yu Chen, Yihua Zhang, Sijia Liu

As highlighted below, we show that when reprogramming an ImageNet-pretrained ResNet-18 to 13 target tasks, our method outperforms baselines by a substantial margin, e. g., 7. 9% and 6. 7% accuracy improvements in transfer learning to the target Flowers102 and CIFAR100 datasets.

Transfer Learning Visual Prompting

Visual Prompting for Adversarial Robustness

2 code implementations12 Oct 2022 Aochuan Chen, Peter Lorenz, Yuguang Yao, Pin-Yu Chen, Sijia Liu

In this work, we leverage visual prompting (VP) to improve adversarial robustness of a fixed, pre-trained model at testing time.

Adversarial Defense Adversarial Robustness +1

Advancing Model Pruning via Bi-level Optimization

1 code implementation8 Oct 2022 Yihua Zhang, Yuguang Yao, Parikshit Ram, Pu Zhao, Tianlong Chen, Mingyi Hong, Yanzhi Wang, Sijia Liu

To reduce the computation overhead, various efficient 'one-shot' pruning methods have been developed, but these schemes are usually unable to find winning tickets as good as IMP.

CryoRL: Reinforcement Learning Enables Efficient Cryo-EM Data Collection

no code implementations15 Apr 2022 Quanfu Fan, Yilai Li, Yuguang Yao, John Cohn, Sijia Liu, Seychelle M. Vos, Michael A. Cianfrocco

Single-particle cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) has become one of the mainstream structural biology techniques because of its ability to determine high-resolution structures of dynamic bio-molecules.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning +1

How to Robustify Black-Box ML Models? A Zeroth-Order Optimization Perspective

1 code implementation ICLR 2022 Yimeng Zhang, Yuguang Yao, Jinghan Jia, JinFeng Yi, Mingyi Hong, Shiyu Chang, Sijia Liu

To tackle this problem, we next propose to prepend an autoencoder (AE) to a given (black-box) model so that DS can be trained using variance-reduced ZO optimization.

Adversarial Robustness Image Classification +1

Reverse Engineering of Imperceptible Adversarial Image Perturbations

2 code implementations ICLR 2022 Yifan Gong, Yuguang Yao, Yize Li, Yimeng Zhang, Xiaoming Liu, Xue Lin, Sijia Liu

However, carefully crafted, tiny adversarial perturbations are difficult to recover by optimizing a unilateral RED objective.

Data Augmentation Image Denoising

Learning to Generate Image Source-Agnostic Universal Adversarial Perturbations

no code implementations29 Sep 2020 Pu Zhao, Parikshit Ram, Songtao Lu, Yuguang Yao, Djallel Bouneffouf, Xue Lin, Sijia Liu

The resulting scheme for meta-learning a UAP generator (i) has better performance (50% higher ASR) than baselines such as Projected Gradient Descent, (ii) has better performance (37% faster) than the vanilla L2O and MAML frameworks (when applicable), and (iii) is able to simultaneously handle UAP generation for different victim models and image data sources.

Adversarial Attack Bilevel Optimization +1

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