Search Results for author: Yuhang Hu

Found 7 papers, 1 papers with code

Kwai-STaR: Transform LLMs into State-Transition Reasoners

no code implementations7 Nov 2024 Xingyu Lu, Yuhang Hu, Changyi Liu, Tianke Zhang, Zhenyu Yang, Zhixiang Ding, Shengsheng Qian, Meng Du, Ruiwen Kang, Kaiyu Tang, Fan Yang, Tingting Gao, Di Zhang, Hai-Tao Zheng, Bin Wen

In this work, we define mathematical problem-solving as a process of transiting from an initial unsolved state to the final resolved state, and propose Kwai-STaR framework, which transforms LLMs into State-Transition Reasoners to improve their intuitive reasoning capabilities.

GSM8K Mathematical Problem-Solving +1

Teaching Robots to Build Simulations of Themselves

no code implementations20 Nov 2023 Yuhang Hu, Jiong Lin, Hod Lipson

Simulation enables robots to plan and estimate the outcomes of prospective actions without the need to physically execute them.

Motion Planning Self-Supervised Learning

Knolling Bot: Learning Robotic Object Arrangement from Tidy Demonstrations

no code implementations6 Oct 2023 Yuhang Hu, Zhizhuo Zhang, Xinyue Zhu, Ruibo Liu, Philippe Wyder, Hod Lipson

Addressing the challenge of organizing scattered items in domestic spaces is complicated by the diversity and subjective nature of tidiness.

Diversity Position +1

On the Origins of Self-Modeling

no code implementations5 Sep 2022 Robert Kwiatkowski, Yuhang Hu, Boyuan Chen, Hod Lipson

Self-Modeling is the process by which an agent, such as an animal or machine, learns to create a predictive model of its own dynamics.

Smile Like You Mean It: Driving Animatronic Robotic Face with Learned Models

no code implementations26 May 2021 Boyuan Chen, Yuhang Hu, Lianfeng Li, Sara Cummings, Hod Lipson

At present, progress in this field is hindered by the fact that each facial expression needs to be programmed by humans.

Camera Calibration Self-Supervised Learning

Visual Perspective Taking for Opponent Behavior Modeling

no code implementations11 May 2021 Boyuan Chen, Yuhang Hu, Robert Kwiatkowski, Shuran Song, Hod Lipson

We suggest that visual behavior modeling and perspective taking skills will play a critical role in the ability of physical robots to fully integrate into real-world multi-agent activities.

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