Search Results for author: Yuhao Chi

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

Distributed Task-Oriented Communication Networks with Multimodal Semantic Relay and Edge Intelligence

no code implementations18 Jan 2024 Jie Guo, Hao Chen, Bin Song, Yuhao Chi, Chau Yuen, Fei Richard Yu, Geoffrey Ye Li, Dusit Niyato

In this article, we present a novel framework, named distributed task-oriented communication networks (DTCN), based on recent advances in multimodal semantic transmission and edge intelligence.

HGAN: Hierarchical Graph Alignment Network for Image-Text Retrieval

no code implementations16 Dec 2022 Jie Guo, Meiting Wang, Yan Zhou, Bin Song, Yuhao Chi, Wei Fan, Jianglong Chang

Then, a multi-granularity shared space is established with a designed Multi-granularity Feature Aggregation and Rearrangement (MFAR) module, which enhances the semantic corresponding relations between the local and global information, and obtains more accurate feature representations for the image and text modalities.

Image-text Retrieval Sentence +1

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