no code implementations • 21 Nov 2024 • Yuki Sato, Kiyoshi Kanazawa
Universal power laws have been scrutinised in physics and beyond, and a long-standing debate exists in econophysics regarding the strict universality of the nonlinear price impact, commonly referred to as the square-root law (SRL).
2 code implementations • 29 Dec 2023 • Kaiyuan Yang, Fabio Musio, Yihui Ma, Norman Juchler, Johannes C. Paetzold, Rami Al-Maskari, Luciano Höher, Hongwei Bran Li, Ibrahim Ethem Hamamci, Anjany Sekuboyina, Suprosanna Shit, Houjing Huang, Chinmay Prabhakar, Ezequiel de la Rosa, Diana Waldmannstetter, Florian Kofler, Fernando Navarro, Martin Menten, Ivan Ezhov, Daniel Rueckert, Iris Vos, Ynte Ruigrok, Birgitta Velthuis, Hugo Kuijf, Julien Hämmerli, Catherine Wurster, Philippe Bijlenga, Laura Westphal, Jeroen Bisschop, Elisa Colombo, Hakim Baazaoui, Andrew Makmur, James Hallinan, Bene Wiestler, Jan S. Kirschke, Roland Wiest, Emmanuel Montagnon, Laurent Letourneau-Guillon, Adrian Galdran, Francesco Galati, Daniele Falcetta, Maria A. Zuluaga, Chaolong Lin, Haoran Zhao, Zehan Zhang, Sinyoung Ra, Jongyun Hwang, HyunJin Park, Junqiang Chen, Marek Wodzinski, Henning Müller, Pengcheng Shi, Wei Liu, Ting Ma, Cansu Yalçin, Rachika E. Hamadache, Joaquim Salvi, Xavier Llado, Uma Maria Lal-Trehan Estrada, Valeriia Abramova, Luca Giancardo, Arnau Oliver, Jialu Liu, Haibin Huang, Yue Cui, Zehang Lin, Yusheng Liu, Shunzhi Zhu, Tatsat R. Patel, Vincent M. Tutino, Maysam Orouskhani, Huayu Wang, Mahmud Mossa-Basha, Chengcheng Zhu, Maximilian R. Rokuss, Yannick Kirchhoff, Nico Disch, Julius Holzschuh, Fabian Isensee, Klaus Maier-Hein, Yuki Sato, Sven Hirsch, Susanne Wegener, Bjoern Menze
The TopCoW dataset was the first public dataset with voxel-level annotations for thirteen possible CoW vessel components, enabled by virtual-reality (VR) technology.
no code implementations • 2 Aug 2023 • Yuki Sato, Kiyoshi Kanazawa
However, no solid support has been presented yet on the quantitative prediction by the LMF model in the lack of large microscopic datasets.
no code implementations • 23 Jun 2023 • Yuki Sato, Kiyoshi Kanazawa
The Lillo-Mike-Farmer (LMF) model is an established econophysics model describing the order-splitting behaviour of institutional investors in financial markets.
no code implementations • 31 Jan 2023 • Yuki Sato, Kiyoshi Kanazawa
In financial markets, the market order sign exhibits strong persistence, widely known as the long-range correlation (LRC) of order flow; specifically, the sign correlation function displays long memory with power-law exponent $\gamma$, such that $C(\tau) \propto \tau^{-\gamma}$ for large time-lag $\tau$.
no code implementations • 13 Nov 2020 • Yuki Hiraga, Yuki Sato
From the sphere partition function, we distill the world-sheet instanton effects.
High Energy Physics - Theory
1 code implementation • 8 Nov 2019 • Andrew D. King, Jack Raymond, Trevor Lanting, Sergei V. Isakov, Masoud Mohseni, Gabriel Poulin-Lamarre, Sara Ejtemaee, William Bernoudy, Isil Ozfidan, Anatoly Yu. Smirnov, Mauricio Reis, Fabio Altomare, Michael Babcock, Catia Baron, Andrew J. Berkley, Kelly Boothby, Paul I. Bunyk, Holly Christiani, Colin Enderud, Bram Evert, Richard Harris, Emile Hoskinson, Shuiyuan Huang, Kais Jooya, Ali Khodabandelou, Nicolas Ladizinsky, Ryan Li, P. Aaron Lott, Allison J. R. MacDonald, Danica Marsden, Gaelen Marsden, Teresa Medina, Reza Molavi, Richard Neufeld, Mana Norouzpour, Travis Oh, Igor Pavlov, Ilya Perminov, Thomas Prescott, Chris Rich, Yuki Sato, Benjamin Sheldan, George Sterling, Loren J. Swenson, Nicholas Tsai, Mark H. Volkmann, Jed D. Whittaker, Warren Wilkinson, Jason Yao, Hartmut Neven, Jeremy P. Hilton, Eric Ladizinsky, Mark W. Johnson, Mohammad H. Amin
By initializing the system in a state with topological obstruction, we observe quantum annealing (QA) relaxation timescales in excess of one microsecond.
Quantum Physics Statistical Mechanics Emerging Technologies