Search Results for author: Yuling Sun

Found 2 papers, 2 papers with code

StorySparkQA: Expert-Annotated QA Pairs with Real-World Knowledge for Children's Story-Based Learning

1 code implementation16 Nov 2023 Jiaju Chen, Yuxuan Lu, Shao Zhang, Bingsheng Yao, Yuanzhe Dong, Ying Xu, Yunyao Li, Qianwen Wang, Dakuo Wang, Yuling Sun

Interactive story reading is a common parent-child activity, where parents expect to teach both language skills and real-world knowledge beyond the story.

Question Answering World Knowledge

An Information Minimization Based Contrastive Learning Model for Unsupervised Sentence Embeddings Learning

1 code implementation COLING 2022 Shaobin Chen, Jie zhou, Yuling Sun, Liang He

To address this problem, we present an information minimization based contrastive learning (InforMin-CL) model to retain the useful information and discard the redundant information by maximizing the mutual information and minimizing the information entropy between positive instances meanwhile for unsupervised sentence representation learning.

Contrastive Learning Semantic Textual Similarity +3

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