Search Results for author: Yuling Yan

Found 20 papers, 1 papers with code

$O(d/T)$ Convergence Theory for Diffusion Probabilistic Models under Minimal Assumptions

no code implementations27 Sep 2024 Gen Li, Yuling Yan

Our analysis shows that, provided $\ell_{2}$-accurate estimates of the score functions, the total variation distance between the target and generated distributions is upper bounded by $O(d/T)$ (ignoring logarithmic factors), where $d$ is the data dimensionality and $T$ is the number of steps.

A Score-Based Density Formula, with Applications in Diffusion Generative Models

no code implementations29 Aug 2024 Gen Li, Yuling Yan

Score-based generative models (SGMs) have revolutionized the field of generative modeling, achieving unprecedented success in generating realistic and diverse content.

When can weak latent factors be statistically inferred?

no code implementations4 Jul 2024 Jianqing Fan, Yuling Yan, Yuheng Zheng

Another notable advancement of our theory is on PCA inference $ - $ for example, under the regime where $N\asymp T$, we show that the asymptotic normality for the PCA-based estimator holds as long as the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) grows faster than a polynomial rate of $\log N$.

Adapting to Unknown Low-Dimensional Structures in Score-Based Diffusion Models

no code implementations23 May 2024 Gen Li, Yuling Yan

This paper investigates score-based diffusion models when the underlying target distribution is concentrated on or near low-dimensional manifolds within the higher-dimensional space in which they formally reside, a common characteristic of natural image distributions.


Enhancing AI Diagnostics: Autonomous Lesion Masking via Semi-Supervised Deep Learning

no code implementations18 Apr 2024 Ting-Ruen Wei, Michele Hell, Dang Bich Thuy Le, Aren Vierra, Ran Pang, Mahesh Patel, Young Kang, Yuling Yan

This model is then iteratively refined for the domain adaptation task, generating pseudo-masks for our private, unannotated breast US dataset.

Classification Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

Entrywise Inference for Missing Panel Data: A Simple and Instance-Optimal Approach

no code implementations24 Jan 2024 Yuling Yan, Martin J. Wainwright

Longitudinal or panel data can be represented as a matrix with rows indexed by units and columns indexed by time.

Causal Inference Denoising

The Isotonic Mechanism for Exponential Family Estimation

no code implementations21 Apr 2023 Yuling Yan, Weijie J. Su, Jianqing Fan

We demonstrate that an author is incentivized to provide accurate rankings when her utility takes the form of a convex additive function of the adjusted review scores.

Minimax-Optimal Reward-Agnostic Exploration in Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations14 Apr 2023 Gen Li, Yuling Yan, Yuxin Chen, Jianqing Fan

This paper studies reward-agnostic exploration in reinforcement learning (RL) -- a scenario where the learner is unware of the reward functions during the exploration stage -- and designs an algorithm that improves over the state of the art.

Offline RL reinforcement-learning +2

Learning Gaussian Mixtures Using the Wasserstein-Fisher-Rao Gradient Flow

no code implementations4 Jan 2023 Yuling Yan, Kaizheng Wang, Philippe Rigollet

Gaussian mixture models form a flexible and expressive parametric family of distributions that has found applications in a wide variety of applications.

The Efficacy of Pessimism in Asynchronous Q-Learning

no code implementations14 Mar 2022 Yuling Yan, Gen Li, Yuxin Chen, Jianqing Fan

This paper is concerned with the asynchronous form of Q-learning, which applies a stochastic approximation scheme to Markovian data samples.


Inference for Heteroskedastic PCA with Missing Data

no code implementations26 Jul 2021 Yuling Yan, Yuxin Chen, Jianqing Fan

This paper studies how to construct confidence regions for principal component analysis (PCA) in high dimension, a problem that has been vastly under-explored.


Sample-Efficient Reinforcement Learning for Linearly-Parameterized MDPs with a Generative Model

no code implementations NeurIPS 2021 Bingyan Wang, Yuling Yan, Jianqing Fan

Our results show that for arbitrarily large-scale MDP, both the model-based approach and Q-learning are sample-efficient when $K$ is relatively small, and hence the title of this paper.

Q-Learning reinforcement-learning +1

Convex and Nonconvex Optimization Are Both Minimax-Optimal for Noisy Blind Deconvolution under Random Designs

no code implementations4 Aug 2020 Yuxin Chen, Jianqing Fan, Bingyan Wang, Yuling Yan

We investigate the effectiveness of convex relaxation and nonconvex optimization in solving bilinear systems of equations under two different designs (i. e.$~$a sort of random Fourier design and Gaussian design).

Efficient Clustering for Stretched Mixtures: Landscape and Optimality

no code implementations NeurIPS 2020 Kaizheng Wang, Yuling Yan, Mateo Díaz

This paper considers a canonical clustering problem where one receives unlabeled samples drawn from a balanced mixture of two elliptical distributions and aims for a classifier to estimate the labels.


Bridging Convex and Nonconvex Optimization in Robust PCA: Noise, Outliers, and Missing Data

no code implementations15 Jan 2020 Yuxin Chen, Jianqing Fan, Cong Ma, Yuling Yan

This paper delivers improved theoretical guarantees for the convex programming approach in low-rank matrix estimation, in the presence of (1) random noise, (2) gross sparse outliers, and (3) missing data.

Inference and Uncertainty Quantification for Noisy Matrix Completion

no code implementations10 Jun 2019 Yuxin Chen, Jianqing Fan, Cong Ma, Yuling Yan

As a byproduct, we obtain a sharp characterization of the estimation accuracy of our de-biased estimators, which, to the best of our knowledge, are the first tractable algorithms that provably achieve full statistical efficiency (including the preconstant).

Matrix Completion Uncertainty Quantification +1

Noisy Matrix Completion: Understanding Statistical Guarantees for Convex Relaxation via Nonconvex Optimization

no code implementations20 Feb 2019 Yuxin Chen, Yuejie Chi, Jianqing Fan, Cong Ma, Yuling Yan

This paper studies noisy low-rank matrix completion: given partial and noisy entries of a large low-rank matrix, the goal is to estimate the underlying matrix faithfully and efficiently.

Low-Rank Matrix Completion

Motion Saliency Based Automatic Delineation of Glottis Contour in High-speed Digital Images

no code implementations9 Apr 2017 Xin Chen, Emma Marriott, Yuling Yan

In recent years, high-speed videoendoscopy (HSV) has significantly aided the diagnosis of voice pathologies and furthered the understanding the voice production in recent years.

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