Search Results for author: Yunfei Li

Found 17 papers, 4 papers with code

DPL: Cross-quality DeepFake Detection via Dual Progressive Learning

no code implementations10 Oct 2024 Dongliang Zhang, Yunfei Li, Jiaran Zhou, Yuezun Li

These varying qualities diversify the pattern of forgery traces, significantly increasing the difficulty of DeepFake detection.

DeepFake Detection Face Swapping +1

Bridging Local Details and Global Context in Text-Attributed Graphs

1 code implementation18 Jun 2024 Yaoke Wang, Yun Zhu, Wenqiao Zhang, Yueting Zhuang, Yunfei Li, Siliang Tang

Representation learning on text-attributed graphs (TAGs) is vital for real-world applications, as they combine semantic textual and contextual structural information.

Representation Learning Token Reduction

Texture, Shape and Order Matter: A New Transformer Design for Sequential DeepFake Detection

no code implementations22 Apr 2024 Yunfei Li, Yuezun Li, Xin Wang, Baoyuan Wu, Jiaran Zhou, Junyu Dong

Our method features four major improvements: \ding{182} we describe a new texture-aware branch that effectively captures subtle manipulation traces with a Diversiform Pixel Difference Attention module.

DeepFake Detection Face Swapping

Variational Bayesian Learning based Joint Localization and Path Loss Exponent with Distance-dependent Noise in Wireless Sensor Network

no code implementations6 Mar 2024 Yunfei Li, Yiting Luo, Weiqiang Tan, ChunGuo Li, Shaodan Ma, Guanghua Yang

To surmount the intractable nonlinear and non-convex objective function inherent in the problem, we introduce a variational Bayesian learning-based framework that enables the joint optimization of localization, path loss exponent, and reference noise parameters by leveraging an effective approximation to the true posterior distribution.

Variational Bayesian Learning Based Localization and Channel Reconstruction in RIS-aided Systems

no code implementations2 Mar 2024 Yunfei Li, Yiting Luo, Xianda Wu, Zheng Shi, Shaodan Ma, Guanghua Yang

As opposed to existing works that treat channel estimation and localization independently, this paper exploits the intrinsic coupling and nonlinear relationships between the channel parameters and user location for enhancement of both localization and channel reconstruction.

Phasic Self-Imitative Reduction for Sparse-Reward Goal-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations24 Jun 2022 Yunfei Li, Tian Gao, Jiaqi Yang, Huazhe Xu, Yi Wu

It has been a recent trend to leverage the power of supervised learning (SL) towards more effective reinforcement learning (RL) methods.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning (RL)

Learning Design and Construction with Varying-Sized Materials via Prioritized Memory Resets

1 code implementation12 Apr 2022 Yunfei Li, Tao Kong, Lei LI, Yi Wu

Can a robot autonomously learn to design and construct a bridge from varying-sized blocks without a blueprint?

Motion Planning

A Benchmark for Low-Switching-Cost Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations13 Dec 2021 Shusheng Xu, Yancheng Liang, Yunfei Li, Simon Shaolei Du, Yi Wu

A ubiquitous requirement in many practical reinforcement learning (RL) applications, including medical treatment, recommendation system, education and robotics, is that the deployed policy that actually interacts with the environment cannot change frequently.

Atari Games reinforcement-learning +2

Learning to Design and Construct Bridge without Blueprint

no code implementations5 Aug 2021 Yunfei Li, Tao Kong, Lei LI, Yifeng Li, Yi Wu

In this task, the robot needs to first design a feasible bridge architecture for arbitrarily wide cliffs and then manipulate the blocks reliably to construct a stable bridge according to the proposed design.

Deep Reinforcement Learning Motion Planning

Solving Compositional Reinforcement Learning Problems via Task Reduction

1 code implementation ICLR 2021 Yunfei Li, Yilin Wu, Huazhe Xu, Xiaolong Wang, Yi Wu

We propose a novel learning paradigm, Self-Imitation via Reduction (SIR), for solving compositional reinforcement learning problems.

continuous-control Continuous Control +3

D3PG: Deep Differentiable Deterministic Policy Gradients

no code implementations25 Sep 2019 Tao Du, Yunfei Li, Jie Xu, Andrew Spielberg, Kui Wu, Daniela Rus, Wojciech Matusik

Over the last decade, two competing control strategies have emerged for solving complex control tasks with high efficacy.

Deep Reinforcement Learning Model Predictive Control

Pretrain Soft Q-Learning with Imperfect Demonstrations

no code implementations9 May 2019 Xiaoqin Zhang, Yunfei Li, Huimin Ma, Xiong Luo

Pretraining reinforcement learning methods with demonstrations has been an important concept in the study of reinforcement learning since a large amount of computing power is spent on online simulations with existing reinforcement learning algorithms.

Q-Learning reinforcement-learning +2

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