Search Results for author: Yung-Hsu Yang

Found 7 papers, 5 papers with code

Samba: Synchronized Set-of-Sequences Modeling for Multiple Object Tracking

no code implementations2 Oct 2024 Mattia Segu, Luigi Piccinelli, Siyuan Li, Yung-Hsu Yang, Bernt Schiele, Luc van Gool

Multiple object tracking in complex scenarios - such as coordinated dance performances, team sports, or dynamic animal groups - presents unique challenges.

Multiple Object Tracking

SLAck: Semantic, Location, and Appearance Aware Open-Vocabulary Tracking

1 code implementation17 Sep 2024 Siyuan Li, Lei Ke, Yung-Hsu Yang, Luigi Piccinelli, Mattia Segù, Martin Danelljan, Luc van Gool

Due to the complexity of motion patterns in the large-vocabulary scenarios and unstable classification of the novel objects, the motion and semantics cues are either ignored or applied based on heuristics in the final matching steps by existing methods.

Multiple Object Tracking

CC-3DT: Panoramic 3D Object Tracking via Cross-Camera Fusion

1 code implementation2 Dec 2022 Tobias Fischer, Yung-Hsu Yang, Suryansh Kumar, Min Sun, Fisher Yu

To track the 3D locations and trajectories of the other traffic participants at any given time, modern autonomous vehicles are equipped with multiple cameras that cover the vehicle's full surroundings.

3D Object Tracking Autonomous Vehicles +2

Dense Prediction with Attentive Feature Aggregation

no code implementations1 Nov 2021 Yung-Hsu Yang, Thomas E. Huang, Min Sun, Samuel Rota Bulò, Peter Kontschieder, Fisher Yu

Our experiments show consistent and significant improvements on challenging semantic segmentation benchmarks, including Cityscapes, BDD100K, and Mapillary Vistas, at negligible computational and parameter overhead.

Boundary Detection Semantic Segmentation

Monocular Quasi-Dense 3D Object Tracking

1 code implementation12 Mar 2021 Hou-Ning Hu, Yung-Hsu Yang, Tobias Fischer, Trevor Darrell, Fisher Yu, Min Sun

Experiments on our proposed simulation data and real-world benchmarks, including KITTI, nuScenes, and Waymo datasets, show that our tracking framework offers robust object association and tracking on urban-driving scenarios.

3D Object Tracking Autonomous Driving +3

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