Search Results for author: Yunhao Nie

Found 2 papers, 2 papers with code

Non-Neighbors Also Matter to Kriging: A New Contrastive-Prototypical Learning

1 code implementation23 Jan 2024 Zhishuai Li, Yunhao Nie, Ziyue Li, Lei Bai, Yisheng Lv, Rui Zhao

As a pre-trained paradigm, we conduct the Kriging task from a new perspective of representation: we aim to first learn robust and general representations and then recover attributes from representations.

Attribute Self-Supervised Learning

VisionTraj: A Noise-Robust Trajectory Recovery Framework based on Large-scale Camera Network

1 code implementation11 Dec 2023 Zhishuai Li, Ziyue Li, Xiaoru Hu, Guoqing Du, Yunhao Nie, Feng Zhu, Lei Bai, Rui Zhao

Trajectory recovery based on the snapshots from the city-wide multi-camera network facilitates urban mobility sensing and driveway optimization.

Clustering Denoising +1

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