Search Results for author: Yunhao Yuan

Found 15 papers, 10 papers with code

Prompt-tuning for Clickbait Detection via Text Summarization

no code implementations17 Apr 2024 Haoxiang Deng, Yi Zhu, Ye Wang, Jipeng Qiang, Yunhao Yuan, Yun Li, Runmei Zhang

To address this problem, we propose a prompt-tuning method for clickbait detection via text summarization in this paper, text summarization is introduced to summarize the contents, and clickbait detection is performed based on the similarity between the generated summary and the contents.

Clickbait Detection Semantic Similarity +2

Multilingual Lexical Simplification via Paraphrase Generation

1 code implementation28 Jul 2023 Kang Liu, Jipeng Qiang, Yun Li, Yunhao Yuan, Yi Zhu, Kaixun Hua

After feeding the input sentence into the encoder of paraphrase modeling, we generate the substitutes based on a novel decoding strategy that concentrates solely on the lexical variations of the complex word.

Diversity Lexical Simplification +4

Clickbait Detection via Large Language Models

1 code implementation16 Jun 2023 Han Wang, Yi Zhu, Ye Wang, Yun Li, Yunhao Yuan, Jipeng Qiang

Clickbait, which aims to induce users with some surprising and even thrilling headlines for increasing click-through rates, permeates almost all online content publishers, such as news portals and social media.

Clickbait Detection

ParaLS: Lexical Substitution via Pretrained Paraphraser

1 code implementation14 May 2023 Jipeng Qiang, Kang Liu, Yun Li, Yunhao Yuan, Yi Zhu

Lexical substitution (LS) aims at finding appropriate substitutes for a target word in a sentence.


Sentence Simplification via Large Language Models

2 code implementations23 Feb 2023 Yutao Feng, Jipeng Qiang, Yun Li, Yunhao Yuan, Yi Zhu

Sentence Simplification aims to rephrase complex sentences into simpler sentences while retaining original meaning.

Few-Shot Learning Sentence

Mental Health Coping Stories on Social Media: A Causal-Inference Study of Papageno Effect

no code implementations20 Feb 2023 Yunhao Yuan, Koustuv Saha, Barbara Keller, Erkki Tapio Isometsä, Talayeh Aledavood

The Papageno effect concerns how media can play a positive role in preventing and mitigating suicidal ideation and behaviors.

Causal Inference Diversity

Minority Stress Experienced by LGBTQ Online Communities during the COVID-19 Pandemic

no code implementations19 May 2022 Yunhao Yuan, Gaurav Verma, Barbara Keller, Talayeh Aledavood

We find that anger words are strongly associated with minority stress during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Chinese Idiom Paraphrasing

1 code implementation15 Apr 2022 Jipeng Qiang, Yang Li, Chaowei Zhang, Yun Li, Yunhao Yuan, Yi Zhu, Xindong Wu

Idioms, are a kind of idiomatic expression in Chinese, most of which consist of four Chinese characters.

Machine Translation Paraphrase Generation +1

Prompt-Learning for Short Text Classification

no code implementations23 Feb 2022 Yi Zhu, Xinke Zhou, Jipeng Qiang, Yun Li, Yunhao Yuan, Xindong Wu

In the short text, the extremely short length, feature sparsity, and high ambiguity pose huge challenges to classification tasks.

text-classification Text Classification

Chinese Lexical Simplification

1 code implementation14 Oct 2020 Jipeng Qiang, Xinyu Lu, Yun Li, Yunhao Yuan, Yang Shi, Xindong Wu

Lexical simplification has attracted much attention in many languages, which is the process of replacing complex words in a given sentence with simpler alternatives of equivalent meaning.

Language Modelling Lexical Simplification +1

LSBert: A Simple Framework for Lexical Simplification

1 code implementation25 Jun 2020 Jipeng Qiang, Yun Li, Yi Zhu, Yunhao Yuan, Xindong Wu

Lexical simplification (LS) aims to replace complex words in a given sentence with their simpler alternatives of equivalent meaning, to simplify the sentence.

Language Modelling Lexical Simplification +2

Lexical Simplification with Pretrained Encoders

3 code implementations14 Jul 2019 Jipeng Qiang, Yun Li, Yi Zhu, Yunhao Yuan, Xindong Wu

Lexical simplification (LS) aims to replace complex words in a given sentence with their simpler alternatives of equivalent meaning.

Language Modelling Lexical Simplification +1

A simple and effective postprocessing method for image classification

no code implementations19 Jun 2019 Yan Liu, Yun Li, Yunhao Yuan, Jipeng Qiang

Whether it is computer vision, natural language processing or speech recognition, the essence of these applications is to obtain powerful feature representations that make downstream applications completion more efficient.

Classification General Classification +3

STTM: A Tool for Short Text Topic Modeling

1 code implementation7 Aug 2018 Jipeng Qiang, Yun Li, Yunhao Yuan, Wei Liu, Xindong Wu

Along with the emergence and popularity of social communications on the Internet, topic discovery from short texts becomes fundamental to many applications that require semantic understanding of textual content.

Information Retrieval

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