Search Results for author: Yunhui Zheng

Found 7 papers, 2 papers with code

VELVET: a noVel Ensemble Learning approach to automatically locate VulnErable sTatements

1 code implementation20 Dec 2021 Yangruibo Ding, Sahil Suneja, Yunhui Zheng, Jim Laredo, Alessandro Morari, Gail Kaiser, Baishakhi Ray

Automatically locating vulnerable statements in source code is crucial to assure software security and alleviate developers' debugging efforts.

Ensemble Learning

Data-Driven AI Model Signal-Awareness Enhancement and Introspection

no code implementations10 Nov 2021 Sahil Suneja, Yufan Zhuang, Yunhui Zheng, Jim Laredo, Alessandro Morari

AI modeling for source code understanding tasks has been making significant progress, and is being adopted in production development pipelines.

D2A: A Dataset Built for AI-Based Vulnerability Detection Methods Using Differential Analysis

1 code implementation16 Feb 2021 Yunhui Zheng, Saurabh Pujar, Burn Lewis, Luca Buratti, Edward Epstein, Bo Yang, Jim Laredo, Alessandro Morari, Zhong Su

However, existing datasets to train models for vulnerability identification suffer from multiple limitations such as limited bug context, limited size, and synthetic and unrealistic source code.

Bug fixing Vulnerability Detection

Learning to map source code to software vulnerability using code-as-a-graph

no code implementations15 Jun 2020 Sahil Suneja, Yunhui Zheng, Yufan Zhuang, Jim Laredo, Alessandro Morari

We explore the applicability of Graph Neural Networks in learning the nuances of source code from a security perspective.

Graph Neural Network Vulnerability Detection

GaDei: On Scale-up Training As A Service For Deep Learning

no code implementations18 Nov 2016 Wei Zhang, Minwei Feng, Yunhui Zheng, Yufei Ren, Yandong Wang, Ji Liu, Peng Liu, Bing Xiang, Li Zhang, Bo-Wen Zhou, Fei Wang

By evaluating the NLC workloads, we show that only the conservative hyper-parameter setup (e. g., small mini-batch size and small learning rate) can guarantee acceptable model accuracy for a wide range of customers.

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