Search Results for author: Yuning Du

Found 22 papers, 19 papers with code

The MRI Scanner as a Diagnostic: Image-less Active Sampling

no code implementations24 Jun 2024 Yuning Du, Rohan Dharmakumar, Sotirios A. Tsaftaris

Despite the high diagnostic accuracy of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), using MRI as a Point-of-Care (POC) disease identification tool poses significant accessibility challenges due to the use of high magnetic field strength and lengthy acquisition times.

Image Reconstruction

Unveiling Fairness Biases in Deep Learning-Based Brain MRI Reconstruction

1 code implementation25 Sep 2023 Yuning Du, Yuyang Xue, Rohan Dharmakumar, Sotirios A. Tsaftaris

Deep learning (DL) reconstruction particularly of MRI has led to improvements in image fidelity and reduction of acquisition time.

Fairness MRI Reconstruction

Context Perception Parallel Decoder for Scene Text Recognition

1 code implementation23 Jul 2023 Yongkun Du, Zhineng Chen, Caiyan Jia, Xiaoting Yin, Chenxia Li, Yuning Du, Yu-Gang Jiang

We first present an empirical study of AR decoding in STR, and discover that the AR decoder not only models linguistic context, but also provides guidance on visual context perception.

 Ranked #1 on Scene Text Recognition on CUTE80 (using extra training data)

Decoder Language Modelling +1

PP-StructureV2: A Stronger Document Analysis System

1 code implementation11 Oct 2022 Chenxia Li, Ruoyu Guo, Jun Zhou, Mengtao An, Yuning Du, Lingfeng Zhu, Yi Liu, Xiaoguang Hu, dianhai yu

For Table Recognition model, we utilize PP-LCNet, CSP-PAN and SLAHead to optimize the backbone module, feature fusion module and decoding module, respectively, which improved the table structure accuracy by 6\% with comparable inference speed.

 Ranked #1 on Network Pruning on CIFAR-100 (Inference Time (ms) metric)

Key Information Extraction Knowledge Distillation +3

PP-OCRv3: More Attempts for the Improvement of Ultra Lightweight OCR System

1 code implementation7 Jun 2022 Chenxia Li, Weiwei Liu, Ruoyu Guo, Xiaoting Yin, Kaitao Jiang, Yongkun Du, Yuning Du, Lingfeng Zhu, Baohua Lai, Xiaoguang Hu, dianhai yu, Yanjun Ma

For text recognizer, the base model is replaced from CRNN to SVTR, and we introduce lightweight text recognition network SVTR LCNet, guided training of CTC by attention, data augmentation strategy TextConAug, better pre-trained model by self-supervised TextRotNet, UDML, and UIM to accelerate the model and improve the effect.

Data Augmentation Optical Character Recognition +2

SVTR: Scene Text Recognition with a Single Visual Model

3 code implementations30 Apr 2022 Yongkun Du, Zhineng Chen, Caiyan Jia, Xiaoting Yin, Tianlun Zheng, Chenxia Li, Yuning Du, Yu-Gang Jiang

Dominant scene text recognition models commonly contain two building blocks, a visual model for feature extraction and a sequence model for text transcription.

Scene Text Recognition

PP-YOLOE: An evolved version of YOLO

8 code implementations30 Mar 2022 Shangliang Xu, Xinxin Wang, Wenyu Lv, Qinyao Chang, Cheng Cui, Kaipeng Deng, Guanzhong Wang, Qingqing Dang, Shengyu Wei, Yuning Du, Baohua Lai

In this report, we present PP-YOLOE, an industrial state-of-the-art object detector with high performance and friendly deployment.

Dense Object Detection Multi-Object Tracking +3

PP-LCNet: A Lightweight CPU Convolutional Neural Network

8 code implementations17 Sep 2021 Cheng Cui, Tingquan Gao, Shengyu Wei, Yuning Du, Ruoyu Guo, Shuilong Dong, Bin Lu, Ying Zhou, Xueying Lv, Qiwen Liu, Xiaoguang Hu, dianhai yu, Yanjun Ma

We propose a lightweight CPU network based on the MKLDNN acceleration strategy, named PP-LCNet, which improves the performance of lightweight models on multiple tasks.

Image Classification object-detection +2

HS-ResNet: Hierarchical-Split Block on Convolutional Neural Network

2 code implementations15 Oct 2020 Pengcheng Yuan, Shufei Lin, Cheng Cui, Yuning Du, Ruoyu Guo, Dongliang He, Errui Ding, Shumin Han

Moreover, Hierarchical-Split block is very flexible and efficient, which provides a large space of potential network architectures for different applications.

Image Classification Image Segmentation +5

PP-OCR: A Practical Ultra Lightweight OCR System

10 code implementations21 Sep 2020 Yuning Du, Chenxia Li, Ruoyu Guo, Xiaoting Yin, Weiwei Liu, Jun Zhou, Yifan Bai, Zilin Yu, Yehua Yang, Qingqing Dang, Haoshuang Wang

Meanwhile, several pre-trained models for the Chinese and English recognition are released, including a text detector (97K images are used), a direction classifier (600K images are used) as well as a text recognizer (17. 9M images are used).

Computational Efficiency Optical Character Recognition +1

2nd Place and 2nd Place Solution to Kaggle Landmark Recognition andRetrieval Competition 2019

2 code implementations10 Jun 2019 Kaibing Chen, Cheng Cui, Yuning Du, Xianglong Meng, Hui Ren

We present a retrieval based system for landmark retrieval and recognition challenge. There are five parts in retrieval competition system, including feature extraction and matching to get candidates queue; database augmentation and query extension searching; reranking from recognition results and local feature matching.

Landmark Recognition Retrieval

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