Search Results for author: Yunjian Xu

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

A Multi-timescale and Chance-Constrained Energy Dispatching Strategy of Integrated Heat-Power Community with Shared Hybrid Energy Storage

no code implementations23 Oct 2023 Wenyi Zhang, Yue Chen, Rui Xie, Yunjian Xu

In the integrated heat-power system with coupling heat-power generators and demands, the key challenges lie in the interaction between heat and power, the inherent uncertainty of renewable energy and consumers' demands, and the multi-timescale scheduling of heat and power.


Efficient and Robust Equilibrium Strategies of Utilities in Day-ahead Market with Load Uncertainty

no code implementations12 Sep 2019 Tianyu Zhao, Hanling Yi, Minghua Chen, Chenye Wu, Yunjian Xu

We consider the scenario where $N$ utilities strategically bid for electricity in the day-ahead market and balance the mismatch between the committed supply and actual demand in the real-time market, with uncertainty in demand and local renewable generation in consideration.

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