Search Results for author: Yunkui Pang

Found 6 papers, 3 papers with code

The Devil is in the Upsampling: Architectural Decisions Made Simpler for Denoising with Deep Image Prior

2 code implementations ICCV 2023 Yilin Liu, Jiang Li, Yunkui Pang, Dong Nie, Pew-Thian Yap

Existing methods mostly handcraft or search for the architecture from a large design space, due to the lack of understanding on how the architectural choice corresponds to the image.

Image Denoising

Encouraging Disentangled and Convex Representation with Controllable Interpolation Regularization

no code implementations6 Dec 2021 Yunhao Ge, Zhi Xu, Yao Xiao, Gan Xin, Yunkui Pang, Laurent Itti

(2) They lack convexity constraints, which is important for meaningfully manipulating specific attributes for downstream tasks.

Data Augmentation Disentanglement +2

Generative Auto-Encoder: Non-adversarial Controllable Synthesis with Disentangled Exploration

no code implementations1 Jan 2021 Yunhao Ge, Gan Xin, Zhi Xu, Yao Xiao, Yunkui Pang, Yining HE, Laurent Itti

DEAE can become a generative model and synthesis semantic controllable samples by interpolating latent code, which can even synthesis novel attribute value never is shown in the original dataset.

Attribute Data Augmentation +3

Sketch-Inspector: a Deep Mixture Model for High-Quality Sketch Generation of Cats

no code implementations9 Nov 2020 Yunkui Pang, Zhiqing Pan, Ruiyang Sun, Shuchong Wang

Based on that, a sketch generating system with an assistant convolutional neural network (CNN) predictor to suggest the shape of the next stroke is presented in this paper.

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