Search Results for author: Yuqi Gong

Found 9 papers, 5 papers with code

SEMINAR: Search Enhanced Multi-modal Interest Network and Approximate Retrieval for Lifelong Sequential Recommendation

1 code implementation15 Jul 2024 Kaiming Shen, Xichen Ding, Zixiang Zheng, Yuqi Gong, Qianqian Li, Zhongyi Liu, Guannan Zhang

To address these challenges, we propose a unified lifelong multi-modal sequence model called SEMINAR-Search Enhanced Multi-Modal Interest Network and Approximate Retrieval.

Click-Through Rate Prediction Quantization +2

An Unified Search and Recommendation Foundation Model for Cold-Start Scenario

no code implementations16 Sep 2023 Yuqi Gong, Xichen Ding, Yehui Su, Kaiming Shen, Zhongyi Liu, Guannan Zhang

With the development of large language models, LLM can extract global domain-invariant text features that serve both search and recommendation tasks.

Recommendation Systems Transfer Learning

Treatment Outcome Prediction for Intracerebral Hemorrhage via Generative Prognostic Model with Imaging and Tabular Data

1 code implementation24 Jul 2023 Wenao Ma, Cheng Chen, Jill Abrigo, Calvin Hoi-Kwan Mak, Yuqi Gong, Nga Yan Chan, Chu Han, Zaiyi Liu, Qi Dou

Specifically, we propose to employ a variational autoencoder model to generate a low-dimensional prognostic score, which can effectively address the selection bias resulting from the non-randomized controlled trials.

Selection bias

Diffusion Model based Semi-supervised Learning on Brain Hemorrhage Images for Efficient Midline Shift Quantification

no code implementations1 Jan 2023 Shizhan Gong, Cheng Chen, Yuqi Gong, Nga Yan Chan, Wenao Ma, Calvin Hoi-Kwan Mak, Jill Abrigo, Qi Dou

Brain midline shift (MLS) is one of the most critical factors to be considered for clinical diagnosis and treatment decision-making for intracranial hemorrhage.

Decision Making Representation Learning

SM+: Refined Scale Match for Tiny Person Detection

no code implementations6 Feb 2021 Nan Jiang, Xuehui Yu, Xiaoke Peng, Yuqi Gong, Zhenjun Han

Detecting tiny objects ( e. g., less than 20 x 20 pixels) in large-scale images is an important yet open problem.

Human Detection

Effective Fusion Factor in FPN for Tiny Object Detection

no code implementations4 Nov 2020 Yuqi Gong, Xuehui Yu, Yao Ding, Xiaoke Peng, Jian Zhao, Zhenjun Han

We propose a novel concept, fusion factor, to control information that deep layers deliver to shallow layers, for adapting FPN to tiny object detection.

Object object-detection +1

The 1st Tiny Object Detection Challenge:Methods and Results

1 code implementation16 Sep 2020 Xuehui Yu, Zhenjun Han, Yuqi Gong, Nan Jiang, Jian Zhao, Qixiang Ye, Jie Chen, Yuan Feng, Bin Zhang, Xiaodi Wang, Ying Xin, Jingwei Liu, Mingyuan Mao, Sheng Xu, Baochang Zhang, Shumin Han, Cheng Gao, Wei Tang, Lizuo Jin, Mingbo Hong, Yuchao Yang, Shuiwang Li, Huan Luo, Qijun Zhao, Humphrey Shi

The 1st Tiny Object Detection (TOD) Challenge aims to encourage research in developing novel and accurate methods for tiny object detection in images which have wide views, with a current focus on tiny person detection.

Human Detection Object +2

Scale Match for Tiny Person Detection

2 code implementations23 Dec 2019 Xuehui Yu, Yuqi Gong, Nan Jiang, Qixiang Ye, Zhenjun Han

In this paper, we introduce a new benchmark, referred to as TinyPerson, opening up a promising directionfor tiny object detection in a long distance and with mas-sive backgrounds.

Human Detection Object +2

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