Search Results for author: Yuqing Zhang

Found 15 papers, 4 papers with code

StyleTex: Style Image-Guided Texture Generation for 3D Models

no code implementations1 Nov 2024 Zhiyu Xie, Yuqing Zhang, Xiangjun Tang, Yiqian Wu, Dehan Chen, Gongsheng Li, Xaogang Jin

Although diffusion-based 3D texture generation methods, such as distillation sampling, have numerous promising applications in stylized games and films, it requires addressing two challenges: 1) decouple style and content completely from the reference image for 3D models, and 2) align the generated texture with the color tone, style of the reference image, and the given text prompt.

Texture Synthesis

Memory Matching is not Enough: Jointly Improving Memory Matching and Decoding for Video Object Segmentation

no code implementations22 Sep 2024 Jintu Zheng, Yun Liang, Yuqing Zhang, Wanchao Su

Memory-based video object segmentation methods model multiple objects over long temporal-spatial spans by establishing memory bank, which achieve the remarkable performance.

Semantic Segmentation Video Object Segmentation +1

A Functional Trade-off between Prosodic and Semantic Cues in Conveying Sarcasm

no code implementations27 Aug 2024 Zhu Li, Xiyuan Gao, Yuqing Zhang, Shekhar Nayak, Matt Coler

This study investigates the acoustic features of sarcasm and disentangles the interplay between the propensity of an utterance being used sarcastically and the presence of prosodic cues signaling sarcasm.

MJ-Bench: Is Your Multimodal Reward Model Really a Good Judge for Text-to-Image Generation?

1 code implementation5 Jul 2024 Zhaorun Chen, Yichao Du, Zichen Wen, Yiyang Zhou, Chenhang Cui, Zhenzhen Weng, Haoqin Tu, Chaoqi Wang, Zhengwei Tong, Qinglan Huang, Canyu Chen, Qinghao Ye, Zhihong Zhu, Yuqing Zhang, Jiawei Zhou, Zhuokai Zhao, Rafael Rafailov, Chelsea Finn, Huaxiu Yao

Compared with open-source VLMs, smaller-sized scoring models can provide better feedback regarding text-image alignment and image quality, while VLMs provide more accurate feedback regarding safety and generation bias due to their stronger reasoning capabilities.

Hallucination Text-to-Image Generation

DreamMat: High-quality PBR Material Generation with Geometry- and Light-aware Diffusion Models

no code implementations27 May 2024 Yuqing Zhang, YuAn Liu, Zhiyu Xie, Lei Yang, Zhongyuan Liu, Mengzhou Yang, Runze Zhang, Qilong Kou, Cheng Lin, Wenping Wang, Xiaogang Jin

2D diffusion model, which often contains unwanted baked-in shading effects and results in unrealistic rendering effects in the downstream applications.

SDR-Former: A Siamese Dual-Resolution Transformer for Liver Lesion Classification Using 3D Multi-Phase Imaging

no code implementations27 Feb 2024 Meng Lou, Hanning Ying, Xiaoqing Liu, Hong-Yu Zhou, Yuqing Zhang, Yizhou Yu

This study proposes a novel Siamese Dual-Resolution Transformer (SDR-Former) framework, specifically designed for liver lesion classification in 3D multi-phase CT and MR imaging with varying phase counts.

Computational Efficiency Lesion Classification

Communication-Efficient Personalized Federated Learning for Speech-to-Text Tasks

no code implementations18 Jan 2024 Yichao Du, Zhirui Zhang, Linan Yue, Xu Huang, Yuqing Zhang, Tong Xu, Linli Xu, Enhong Chen

To protect privacy and meet legal regulations, federated learning (FL) has gained significant attention for training speech-to-text (S2T) systems, including automatic speech recognition (ASR) and speech translation (ST).

Automatic Speech Recognition Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) +2

SoK: Comparing Different Membership Inference Attacks with a Comprehensive Benchmark

1 code implementation12 Jul 2023 Jun Niu, Xiaoyan Zhu, Moxuan Zeng, Ge Zhang, Qingyang Zhao, Chunhui Huang, Yangming Zhang, Suyu An, Yangzhong Wang, Xinghui Yue, Zhipeng He, Weihao Guo, Kuo Shen, Peng Liu, Yulong Shen, Xiaohong Jiang, Jianfeng Ma, Yuqing Zhang

We have identified three principles for the proposed "comparing different MI attacks" methodology, and we have designed and implemented the MIBench benchmark with 84 evaluation scenarios for each dataset.

CASSOCK: Viable Backdoor Attacks against DNN in The Wall of Source-Specific Backdoor Defences

no code implementations31 May 2022 Shang Wang, Yansong Gao, Anmin Fu, Zhi Zhang, Yuqing Zhang, Willy Susilo, Dongxi Liu

Compared with a representative SSBA as a baseline ($SSBA_{Base}$), $CASSOCK$-based attacks have significantly advanced the attack performance, i. e., higher ASR and lower FPR with comparable CDA (clean data accuracy).

PPA: Preference Profiling Attack Against Federated Learning

no code implementations10 Feb 2022 Chunyi Zhou, Yansong Gao, Anmin Fu, Kai Chen, Zhiyang Dai, Zhi Zhang, Minhui Xue, Yuqing Zhang

By observing a user model's gradient sensitivity to a class, PPA can profile the sample proportion of the class in the user's local dataset, and thus the user's preference of the class is exposed.

Federated Learning Inference Attack

Adaptive Pricing in Insurance: Generalized Linear Models and Gaussian Process Regression Approaches

no code implementations2 Jul 2019 Yuqing Zhang, Neil Walton

We develop two pricing models: an adaptive Generalized Linear Model (GLM) and an adaptive Gaussian Process (GP) regression model.

Gaussian Processes Management +1

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