Search Results for author: Yuri Bizzoni

Found 21 papers, 2 papers with code

Measuring Translationese across Levels of Expertise: Are Professionals more Surprising than Students?

no code implementations NoDaLiDa 2021 Yuri Bizzoni, Ekaterina Lapshinova-Koltunski

The present paper deals with a computational analysis of translationese in professional and student English-to-German translations belonging to different registers.

Language Modelling Machine Translation +2

Some steps towards the generation of diachronic WordNets

no code implementations WS (NoDaLiDa) 2019 Yuri Bizzoni, Marius Mosbach, Dietrich Klakow, Stefania Degaetano-Ortlieb

We apply hyperbolic embeddings to trace the dynamics of change of conceptual-semantic relationships in a large diachronic scientific corpus (200 years).

Ancient Greek WordNet Meets the Dynamic Lexicon: the Example of the Fragments of the Greek Historians

no code implementations GWC 2016 Monica Berti, Yuri Bizzoni, Federico Boschetti, Gregory R. Crane, Riccardo Del Gratta, Tariq Yousef

The Ancient Greek WordNet (AGWN) and the Dynamic Lexicon (DL) are multilingual resources to study the lexicon of Ancient Greek texts and their translations.

Predicting Literary Quality How Perspectivist Should We Be?

no code implementations NLPerspectives (LREC) 2022 Yuri Bizzoni, Ida Marie Lassen, Telma Peura, Mads Rosendahl Thomsen, Kristoffer Nielbo

Approaches in literary quality tend to belong to two main grounds: one sees quality as completely subjective, relying on the idiosyncratic nature of individual perspectives on the apperception of beauty; the other is ground-truth inspired, and attempts to find one or two values that predict something like an objective quality: the number of copies sold, for example, or the winning of a prestigious prize.

Says Who? Effective Zero-Shot Annotation of Focalization

no code implementations17 Sep 2024 Rebecca M. M. Hicke, Yuri Bizzoni, Pascale Feldkamp, Ross Deans Kristensen-McLachlan

Focalization, the perspective through which narrative is presented, is encoded via a wide range of lexico-grammatical features and is subject to reader interpretation.

Good Books are Complex Matters: Gauging Complexity Profiles Across Diverse Categories of Perceived Literary Quality

no code implementations5 Apr 2024 Yuri Bizzoni, Pascale Feldkamp, Ida Marie Lassen, Mia Jacobsen, Mads Rosendahl Thomsen, Kristoffer Nielbo

In this study, we employ a classification approach to show that different categories of literary "quality" display unique linguistic profiles, leveraging a corpus that encompasses titles from the Norton Anthology, Penguin Classics series, and the Open Syllabus project, contrasted against contemporary bestsellers, Nobel prize winners and recipients of prestigious literary awards.

Sentiment Dynamics of Success: Fractal Scaling of Story Arcs Predicts Reader Preferences

no code implementations NLP4DH (ICON) 2021 Yuri Bizzoni, Telma Peura, Mads R. Thomsen, Kristoffer Nielbo

We explore the correlation between the sentiment arcs of H. C. Andersen's fairy tales and their popularity, measured as their average score on the platform GoodReads.

How Human is Machine Translationese? Comparing Human and Machine Translations of Text and Speech

no code implementations WS 2020 Yuri Bizzoni, Tom S Juzek, Cristina Espa{\~n}a-Bonet, Koel Dutta Chowdhury, Josef van Genabith, Elke Teich

Some translationese features tend to appear in simultaneous interpreting with higher frequency than in human text translation, but the reasons for this are unclear.

Machine Translation Translation

Sky + Fire = Sunset. Exploring Parallels between Visually Grounded Metaphors and Image Classifiers

no code implementations WS 2020 Yuri Bizzoni, Simon Dobnik

This work explores the differences and similarities between neural image classifiers{'} mis-categorisations and visually grounded metaphors - that we could conceive as intentional mis-categorisations.

Grammar and Meaning: Analysing the Topology of Diachronic Word Embeddings

no code implementations WS 2019 Yuri Bizzoni, Stefania Degaetano-Ortlieb, Katrin Menzel, Pauline Krielke, Elke Teich

The paper showcases the application of word embeddings to change in language use in the domain of science, focusing on the Late Modern English period (17-19th century).

Clustering Diachronic Word Embeddings +1

The Effect of Context on Metaphor Paraphrase Aptness Judgments

1 code implementation WS 2019 Yuri Bizzoni, Shalom Lappin

We conduct two experiments to study the effect of context on metaphor paraphrase aptness judgments.


Bigrams and BiLSTMs Two Neural Networks for Sequential Metaphor Detection

1 code implementation WS 2018 Yuri Bizzoni, Mehdi Ghanimifard

We present and compare two alternative deep neural architectures to perform word-level metaphor detection on text: a bi-LSTM model and a new structure based on recursive feed-forward concatenation of the input.

Vocal Bursts Valence Prediction Word Embeddings

Predicting Human Metaphor Paraphrase Judgments with Deep Neural Networks

no code implementations WS 2018 Yuri Bizzoni, Shalom Lappin

We propose a new annotated corpus for metaphor interpretation by paraphrase, and a novel DNN model for performing this task.

Binary Classification Classification +4

``Deep'' Learning : Detecting Metaphoricity in Adjective-Noun Pairs

no code implementations WS 2017 Yuri Bizzoni, Stergios Chatzikyriakidis, Mehdi Ghanimifard

We show that using a single neural network combined with pre-trained vector embeddings can outperform the state of the art in terms of accuracy.

Transfer Learning

The Making of Ancient Greek WordNet

no code implementations LREC 2014 Yuri Bizzoni, Federico Boschetti, Harry Diakoff, Riccardo Del Gratta, Monica Monachini, Gregory Crane

This paper describes the process of creation and review of a new lexico-semantic resource for the classical studies: AncientGreekWordNet.

Information Retrieval Word Sense Disambiguation

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