Search Results for author: Yury Markin

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

Self-Trained Model for ECG Complex Delineation

no code implementations4 Jun 2024 Aram Avetisyan, Nikolas Khachaturov, Ariana Asatryan, Shahane Tigranyan, Yury Markin

We conduct experiments demonstrating that our dataset is a valuable resource for training robust models and that our proposed self-trained method improves the prediction quality of ECG delineation.

Deep Neural Networks Generalization and Fine-Tuning for 12-lead ECG Classification

no code implementations19 May 2023 Aram Avetisyan, Shahane Tigranyan, Ariana Asatryan, Olga Mashkova, Sergey Skorik, Vladislav Ananev, Yury Markin

In this paper, we propose a methodology to improve the quality of heart disease prediction regardless of the dataset by training neural networks on a variety of datasets with further fine-tuning for the specific dataset.

Disease Prediction ECG Classification

Docmarking: Real-Time Screen-Cam Robust Document Image Watermarking

no code implementations25 Apr 2023 Aleksey Yakushev, Yury Markin, Dmitry Obydenkov, Alexander Frolov, Stas Fomin, Manuk Akopyan, Alexander Kozachok, Arthur Gaynov

Method works by applying on the screen a unique identifying watermark as semi-transparent image that is almost imperceptible for human eyes.

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