Search Results for author: Yusuke Ohtsubo

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

A Comparative Study of Meter Detection Methods for Automated Infrastructure Inspection

no code implementations24 Apr 2022 Yusuke Ohtsubo, Takuto Sato, Hirohiko Sagawa

In order to read meter values from a camera on an autonomous inspection robot with positional errors, it is necessary to detect meter regions from the image.

Semi-Supervised Few-Shot Classification with Deep Invertible Hybrid Models

no code implementations22 May 2021 Yusuke Ohtsubo, Tetsu Matsukawa, Einoshin Suzuki

In this paper, we propose a deep invertible hybrid model which integrates discriminative and generative learning at a latent space level for semi-supervised few-shot classification.

Classification Few-Shot Learning

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