Search Results for author: Yuting Xiao

Found 8 papers, 2 papers with code

Compensate Quantization Errors: Make Weights Hierarchical to Compensate Each Other

no code implementations24 Jun 2024 YiFei Gao, Jie Ou, Lei Wang, Yuting Xiao, Zhiyuan Xiang, Ruiting Dai, Jun Cheng

LSI uses Singular Value Decomposition to extract singular values of the weights and make them learnable to help weights compensate each other conditioned on activation.


Bridging 3D Gaussian and Mesh for Freeview Video Rendering

no code implementations18 Mar 2024 Yuting Xiao, Xuan Wang, Jiafei Li, Hongrui Cai, Yanbo Fan, Nan Xue, Minghui Yang, Yujun Shen, Shenghua Gao

To this end, we propose a novel approach, GauMesh, to bridge the 3D Gaussian and Mesh for modeling and rendering the dynamic scenes.

Novel View Synthesis

DebSDF: Delving into the Details and Bias of Neural Indoor Scene Reconstruction

no code implementations29 Aug 2023 Yuting Xiao, Jingwei Xu, Zehao Yu, Shenghua Gao

This paper presents \textbf{DebSDF} to address these challenges, focusing on the utilization of uncertainty in monocular priors and the bias in SDF-based volume rendering.

Indoor Scene Reconstruction Surface Reconstruction

ResNeRF: Geometry-Guided Residual Neural Radiance Field for Indoor Scene Novel View Synthesis

no code implementations26 Nov 2022 Yuting Xiao, Yiqun Zhao, Yanyu Xu, Shenghua Gao

In the first stage, we focus on geometry reconstruction based on SDF representation, which would lead to a good geometry surface of the scene and also a sharp density.

Novel View Synthesis

Taylor3DNet: Fast 3D Shape Inference With Landmark Points Based Taylor Series

no code implementations18 Jan 2022 Yuting Xiao, Jiale Xu, Shenghua Gao

Taylor3DNet exploits a set of discrete landmark points and their corresponding Taylor series coefficients to represent the implicit field of a 3D shape, and the number of landmark points is independent of the resolution of the iso-surface extraction.

3D Shape Reconstruction 3D Shape Representation

Amodal Segmentation Based on Visible Region Segmentation and Shape Prior

1 code implementation10 Dec 2020 Yuting Xiao, Yanyu Xu, Ziming Zhong, Weixin Luo, Jiawei Li, Shenghua Gao

In this way, features corresponding to background and occlusion can be suppressed for amodal mask estimation.


Encoding Structure-Texture Relation with P-Net for Anomaly Detection in Retinal Images

1 code implementation ECCV 2020 Kang Zhou, Yuting Xiao, Jianlong Yang, Jun Cheng, Wen Liu, Weixin Luo, Zaiwang Gu, Jiang Liu, Shenghua Gao

In the end, we further utilize the reconstructed image to extract the structure and measure the difference between structure extracted from original and the reconstructed image.

Anatomy Anomaly Detection +2

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