Search Results for author: Yuxiao Hu

Found 10 papers, 2 papers with code

Context-Alignment: Activating and Enhancing LLM Capabilities in Time Series

no code implementations7 Jan 2025 Yuxiao Hu, Qian Li, Dongxiao Zhang, Jinyue Yan, Yuntian Chen

We propose Context-Alignment, a new paradigm that aligns TS with a linguistic component in the language environments familiar to LLMs to enable LLMs to contextualize and comprehend TS data, thereby activating their capabilities.

Time Series

Multi-spatial Multi-temporal Air Quality Forecasting with Integrated Monitoring and Reanalysis Data

no code implementations31 Dec 2023 Yuxiao Hu, Qian Li, Xiaodan Shi, Jinyue Yan, Yuntian Chen

To address these limitations, we present a novel Multi-spatial Multi-temporal air quality forecasting method based on Graph Convolutional Networks and Gated Recurrent Units (M2G2), bridging the gap in air quality forecasting across spatial and temporal scales.

Focus on Hiders: Exploring Hidden Threats for Enhancing Adversarial Training

no code implementations CVPR 2024 Qian Li, Yuxiao Hu, Yinpeng Dong, Dongxiao Zhang, Yuntian Chen

Adversarial training is often formulated as a min-max problem, however, concentrating only on the worst adversarial examples causes alternating repetitive confusion of the model, i. e., previously defended or correctly classified samples are not defensible or accurately classifiable in subsequent adversarial training.

Interactive Neural Painting

no code implementations31 Jul 2023 Elia Peruzzo, Willi Menapace, Vidit Goel, Federica Arrigoni, Hao Tang, Xingqian Xu, Arman Chopikyan, Nikita Orlov, Yuxiao Hu, Humphrey Shi, Nicu Sebe, Elisa Ricci

This paper advances the state of the art in this emerging research domain by proposing the first approach for Interactive NP.


Discrete Point-wise Attack Is Not Enough: Generalized Manifold Adversarial Attack for Face Recognition

1 code implementation CVPR 2023 Qian Li, Yuxiao Hu, Ye Liu, Dongxiao Zhang, Xin Jin, Yuntian Chen

Classical adversarial attacks for Face Recognition (FR) models typically generate discrete examples for target identity with a single state image.

Adversarial Attack Data Augmentation +1

More Control for Free! Image Synthesis with Semantic Diffusion Guidance

no code implementations10 Dec 2021 Xihui Liu, Dong Huk Park, Samaneh Azadi, Gong Zhang, Arman Chopikyan, Yuxiao Hu, Humphrey Shi, Anna Rohrbach, Trevor Darrell

We investigate fine-grained, continuous control of this model class, and introduce a novel unified framework for semantic diffusion guidance, which allows either language or image guidance, or both.

continuous-control Continuous Control +2

KubeEdge.AI: AI Platform for Edge Devices

no code implementations7 Jul 2020 Sean Wang, Yuxiao Hu, Jason Wu

KubeEdge [1] is an edge computing framework build on top of Kubernetes [2].

Cloud Computing Edge-computing +1

Revisit Multinomial Logistic Regression in Deep Learning: Data Dependent Model Initialization for Image Recognition

no code implementations17 Sep 2018 Bowen Cheng, Rong Xiao, Yandong Guo, Yuxiao Hu, Jian-Feng Wang, Lei Zhang

We study in this paper how to initialize the parameters of multinomial logistic regression (a fully connected layer followed with softmax and cross entropy loss), which is widely used in deep neural network (DNN) models for classification problems.

General Classification Image Classification +4

MS-Celeb-1M: A Dataset and Benchmark for Large-Scale Face Recognition

12 code implementations27 Jul 2016 Yandong Guo, Lei Zhang, Yuxiao Hu, Xiaodong He, Jianfeng Gao

In this paper, we design a benchmark task and provide the associated datasets for recognizing face images and link them to corresponding entity keys in a knowledge base.

Face Recognition Image Captioning

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