Search Results for author: Yuxin He

Found 9 papers, 4 papers with code

A Prompt Refinement-based Large Language Model for Metro Passenger Flow Forecasting under Delay Conditions

no code implementations19 Oct 2024 Ping Huang, Yuxin He, Hao Wang, Jingjing Chen, Qin Luo

Accurate short-term forecasts of passenger flow in metro systems under delay conditions are crucial for emergency response and service recovery, which pose significant challenges and are currently under-researched.

Descriptive Few-Shot Learning +3

D2Vformer: A Flexible Time Series Prediction Model Based on Time Position Embedding

no code implementations17 Sep 2024 Xiaobao Song, Hao Wang, Liwei Deng, Yuxin He, Wenming Cao, Chi-Sing Leungc

Time position embeddings capture the positional information of time steps, often serving as auxiliary inputs to enhance the predictive capabilities of time series models.

Position Time Series +1

TheaterGen: Character Management with LLM for Consistent Multi-turn Image Generation

1 code implementation29 Apr 2024 Junhao Cheng, Baiqiao Yin, Kaixin Cai, Minbin Huang, Hanhui Li, Yuxin He, Xi Lu, Yue Li, Yifei Li, Yuhao Cheng, Yiqiang Yan, Xiaodan Liang

To address this issue, we introduce TheaterGen, a training-free framework that integrates large language models (LLMs) and text-to-image (T2I) models to provide the capability of multi-turn image generation.

Denoising Image Generation +2

Explorers at #SMM4H 2023: Enhancing BERT for Health Applications through Knowledge and Model Fusion

no code implementations17 Dec 2023 Xutong Yue, Xilai Wang, Yuxin He, Zhenkun Zhou

An increasing number of individuals are willing to post states and opinions in social media, which has become a valuable data resource for studying human health.

named-entity-recognition Named Entity Recognition +1

Revisiting Event Argument Extraction: Can EAE Models Learn Better When Being Aware of Event Co-occurrences?

1 code implementation1 Jun 2023 Yuxin He, Jingyue Hu, Buzhou Tang

Under this framework, we experiment with 3 different training-inference schemes on 4 datasets (ACE05, RAMS, WikiEvents and MLEE) and discover that via training the model to extract all events in parallel, it can better distinguish the semantic boundary of each event and its ability to extract single event gets substantially improved.

Event Argument Extraction Event Extraction

LoTE-Animal: A Long Time-span Dataset for Endangered Animal Behavior Understanding

no code implementations ICCV 2023 Dan Liu, Jin Hou, Shaoli Huang, Jing Liu, Yuxin He, Bochuan Zheng, Jifeng Ning, Jingdong Zhang

To break the deadlock, we present LoTE-Animal, a large-scale endangered animal dataset collected over 12 years, to foster the application of deep learning in rare species conservation.

Action Recognition Domain Adaptation +5

SetGNER: General Named Entity Recognition as Entity Set Generation

1 code implementation Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing 2022 Yuxin He, Buzhou Tang

Distinguished from the set-prediction NER framework, our method treats each entity as a sequence and is capable of recognizing discontinuous mentions.

named-entity-recognition Named Entity Recognition +2

Contrastive Learning with Hard Negative Entities for Entity Set Expansion

1 code implementation16 Apr 2022 Yinghui Li, Yangning Li, Yuxin He, Tianyu Yu, Ying Shen, Hai-Tao Zheng

In addition, we propose the ProbExpan, a novel probabilistic ESE framework utilizing the entity representation obtained by the aforementioned language model to expand entities.

Contrastive Learning Language Modelling

Multi-Graph Convolutional-Recurrent Neural Network (MGC-RNN) for Short-Term Forecasting of Transit Passenger Flow

no code implementations28 Jul 2021 Yuxin He, Lishuai Li, Xinting Zhu, Kwok Leung Tsui

Spatial dependencies, temporal dependencies, inter-station correlations driven by other latent factors, and exogenous factors bring challenges to the short-term forecasts of passenger flow of urban rail transit networks.

Decoder Management

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