Search Results for author: Zachary Feinstein

Found 28 papers, 3 papers with code

DeFi Arbitrage in Hedged Liquidity Tokens

no code implementations17 Sep 2024 Maxim Bichuch, Zachary Feinstein

Empirically, the prevailing market prices for liquidity tokens of the constant product market maker (CPMM) -- as offered in practice by companies such as Uniswap -- readily permit arbitrage opportunities by delta hedging the risk of the position.


On the Separability of Vector-Valued Risk Measures

no code implementations23 Jul 2024 Çağın Ararat, Zachary Feinstein

Risk measures for random vectors have been considered in multi-asset markets with transaction costs and financial networks in the literature.

Decision Making

The not-so-hidden risks of 'hidden-to-maturity' accounting: on depositor runs and bank resilience

no code implementations3 Jul 2024 Zachary Feinstein, Grzegorz Halaj, Andreas Sojmark

We build a balance sheet-based model to capture run risk, i. e., a reduced potential to raise capital from liquidity buffers under stress, driven by depositor scrutiny and further fueled by fire sales in response to withdrawals.

Large Language Model in Financial Regulatory Interpretation

no code implementations10 May 2024 Zhiyu Cao, Zachary Feinstein

This study explores the innovative use of Large Language Models (LLMs) as analytical tools for interpreting complex financial regulations.

Ethics Language Modeling +5

Statistical Validation of Contagion Centrality in Financial Networks

no code implementations22 Apr 2024 Agathe Sadeghi, Zachary Feinstein

In this paper, we introduce an impact centrality measure to evaluate shock propagation on financial networks capturing a notion of contagion and systemic risk contributions, permitting comparisons of these risks over time.

Price-mediated contagion with endogenous market liquidity

no code implementations10 Nov 2023 Zhiyu Cao, Zachary Feinstein

Price-mediated contagion occurs when a positive feedback loop develops following a drop in asset prices which forces banks and other financial institutions to sell their holdings.

Modeling Inverse Demand Function with Explainable Dual Neural Networks

no code implementations26 Jul 2023 Zhiyu Cao, Zihan Chen, Prerna Mishra, Hamed Amini, Zachary Feinstein

Financial contagion has been widely recognized as a fundamental risk to the financial system.

Decentralized Prediction Markets and Sports Books

no code implementations17 Jul 2023 Hamed Amini, Maxim Bichuch, Zachary Feinstein

Importantly, we study how liquidity can be pooled or withdrawn from the AMM and the resulting implications to the market behavior.


Stochastic Cell Transmission Models of Traffic Networks

no code implementations23 Apr 2023 Zachary Feinstein, Marcel Kleiber, Stefan Weber

We introduce a rigorous framework for stochastic cell transmission models for general traffic networks.


Endogenous distress contagion in a dynamic interbank model: how possible future losses may spell doom today

no code implementations28 Nov 2022 Zachary Feinstein, Andreas Sojmark

We introduce a dynamic and stochastic interbank model with an endogenous notion of distress contagion, arising from rational worries about future defaults and ensuing losses.

Axioms for Automated Market Makers: A Mathematical Framework in FinTech and Decentralized Finance

no code implementations3 Oct 2022 Maxim Bichuch, Zachary Feinstein

Within this work we consider an axiomatic framework for Automated Market Makers (AMMs).

Decentralized Payment Clearing using Blockchain and Optimal Bidding

no code implementations1 Sep 2021 Hamed Amini, Maxim Bichuch, Zachary Feinstein

Finally, we consider the optimal bidding strategies for each firm in the network so that all firms are utility maximizers with respect to their terminal wealths.

Set-Valued Dynamic Risk Measures for Processes and Vectors

no code implementations1 Mar 2021 Yanhong Chen, Zachary Feinstein

Finally, the equivalence of multiportfolio time consistency between set-valued risk measures for processes and vectors is provided; to accomplish this, an augmented definition for multiportfolio time consistency of set-valued risk measures for processes is proposed.

Clearing prices under margin calls and the short squeeze

no code implementations3 Feb 2021 Zachary Feinstein

In this paper, we propose a clearing model for prices in a financial markets due to margin calls on short sold assets.

Endogenous inverse demand functions

no code implementations14 Dec 2020 Maxim Bichuch, Zachary Feinstein

In this work we present an equilibrium formulation for price impacts.

Dynamic Default Contagion in Heterogeneous Interbank Systems

no code implementations28 Oct 2020 Zachary Feinstein, Andreas Sojmark

In this work we provide a simple setting that connects the structural modelling approach of Gai-Kapadia interbank networks with the mean-field approach to default contagion.

Optimal Network Compression

no code implementations20 Aug 2020 Hamed Amini, Zachary Feinstein

This paper introduces a formulation of the optimal network compression problem for financial systems.

Contingent Convertible Obligations and Financial Stability

no code implementations1 Jun 2020 Zachary Feinstein, T. R. Hurd

This paper investigates whether a financial system can be made more stable if financial institutions share risk by exchanging contingent convertible (CoCo) debt obligations.

A Repo Model of Fire Sales with VWAP and LOB Pricing Mechanisms

no code implementations11 May 2020 Maxim Bichuch, Zachary Feinstein

Similarly the fire-sale price of the asset obtained by each of the banks depends on the amount of assets liquidated by the bank itself and by other banks.

Reanimating a Dead Economy: Financial and Economic Analysis of a Zombie Outbreak

no code implementations22 Mar 2020 Zachary Feinstein

In this paper, we study the financial and economic implications of a zombie epidemic on a major industrialized nation.

Set-Valued Risk Measures as Backward Stochastic Difference Inclusions and Equations

no code implementations14 Dec 2019 Çağın Ararat, Zachary Feinstein

Scalar dynamic risk measures for univariate positions in continuous time are commonly represented as backward stochastic differential equations.

Price mediated contagion through capital ratio requirements with VWAP liquidation prices

no code implementations26 Oct 2019 Tathagata Banerjee, Zachary Feinstein

We develop a framework for price-mediated contagion in financial systems where banks are forced to liquidate assets to satisfy a risk-weight based capital adequacy requirement.

Time consistency for scalar multivariate risk measures

no code implementations11 Oct 2018 Zachary Feinstein, Birgit Rudloff

We are motivated to study time consistency of multivariate scalar risk measures as the superhedging risk measure in markets with transaction costs (with a single eligible asset) (Jouini and Kallal (1995), Roux and Zastawniak (2016), Loehne and Rudloff (2014)) does not satisfy the usual scalar concept of time consistency.

Pricing of debt and equity in a financial network with comonotonic endowments

no code implementations2 Oct 2018 Tathagata Banerjee, Zachary Feinstein

In this paper we present formulas for the valuation of debt and equity of firms in a financial network under comonotonic endowments.

Scalar multivariate risk measures with a single eligible asset

no code implementations27 Jul 2018 Zachary Feinstein, Birgit Rudloff

First, some results are provided on the dual representation of such risk measures, with particular emphasis given on the space of dual variables as (equivalent) martingale measures and prices consistent with the market model.

Capital Regulation under Price Impacts and Dynamic Financial Contagion

1 code implementation7 Jul 2018 Zachary Feinstein

We use this model to find analytical bounds on the risk-weights for an asset as a function of the market liquidity.

Mathematical Finance Risk Management

Impact of Contingent Payments on Systemic Risk in Financial Networks

1 code implementation22 May 2018 Tathagata Banerjee, Zachary Feinstein

In this paper we study the implications of contingent payments on the clearing wealth in a network model of financial contagion.

Mathematical Finance Risk Management

Dynamic Clearing and Contagion in Financial Networks

1 code implementation6 Jan 2018 Tathagata Banerjee, Alex Bernstein, Zachary Feinstein

In this paper we introduce a generalized extension of the Eisenberg-Noe model of financial contagion to allow for time dynamics of the interbank liabilities, including a dynamic examination of default risk.

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