Search Results for author: Zachary Wharton

Found 6 papers, 3 papers with code

Attend and Guide (AG-Net): A Keypoints-driven Attention-based Deep Network for Image Recognition

1 code implementation23 Oct 2021 Asish Bera, Zachary Wharton, Yonghuai Liu, Nik Bessis, Ardhendu Behera

We address this by proposing an end-to-end CNN model, which learns meaningful features linking fine-grained changes using our novel attention mechanism.

Fine-Grained Image Recognition Image Classification

Coarse Temporal Attention Network (CTA-Net) for Driver's Activity Recognition

no code implementations17 Jan 2021 Zachary Wharton, Ardhendu Behera, Yonghuai Liu, Nik Bessis

Our model is named Coarse Temporal Attention Network (CTA-Net), in which coarse temporal branches are introduced in a trainable glimpse network.

Activity Recognition

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