Search Results for author: Zaid Nabulsi

Found 8 papers, 1 papers with code

ViMGuard: A Novel Multi-Modal System for Video Misinformation Guarding

no code implementations22 Oct 2024 Andrew Kan, Christopher Kan, Zaid Nabulsi

Unfortunately, the automatic detection of misinformation in SFV is a more complex problem that remains largely unstudied.

Fact Checking Misinformation

HeAR -- Health Acoustic Representations

no code implementations4 Mar 2024 Sebastien Baur, Zaid Nabulsi, Wei-Hung Weng, Jake Garrison, Louis Blankemeier, Sam Fishman, Christina Chen, Sujay Kakarmath, Minyoi Maimbolwa, Nsala Sanjase, Brian Shuma, Yossi Matias, Greg S. Corrado, Shwetak Patel, Shravya Shetty, Shruthi Prabhakara, Monde Muyoyeta, Diego Ardila

Health acoustic sounds such as coughs and breaths are known to contain useful health signals with significant potential for monitoring health and disease, yet are underexplored in the medical machine learning community.

Deep Learning Self-Supervised Learning

Simplified Transfer Learning for Chest Radiography Models Using Less Data

1 code implementation Radiology 2022 Andrew B. Sellergren, Christina Chen, Zaid Nabulsi, Yuanzhen Li, Aaron Maschinot, Aaron Sarna, Jenny Huang, Charles Lau, Sreenivasa Raju Kalidindi, Mozziyar Etemadi, Florencia Garcia-Vicente, David Melnick, Yun Liu, Krish Eswaran, Daniel Tse, Neeral Beladia, Dilip Krishnan, Shravya Shetty

Supervised contrastive learning enabled performance comparable to state-of-the-art deep learning models in multiple clinical tasks by using as few as 45 images and is a promising method for predictive modeling with use of small data sets and for predicting outcomes in shifting patient populations.

Contrastive Learning Transfer Learning

Predicting Poverty Level from Satellite Imagery using Deep Neural Networks

no code implementations30 Nov 2021 Varun Chitturi, Zaid Nabulsi

Determining the poverty levels of various regions throughout the world is crucial in identifying interventions for poverty reduction initiatives and directing resources fairly.

Data Augmentation

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