Search Results for author: Zecheng Xie

Found 12 papers, 5 papers with code

DocKylin: A Large Multimodal Model for Visual Document Understanding with Efficient Visual Slimming

no code implementations27 Jun 2024 Jiaxin Zhang, Wentao Yang, Songxuan Lai, Zecheng Xie, Lianwen Jin

Current multimodal large language models (MLLMs) face significant challenges in visual document understanding (VDU) tasks due to the high resolution, dense text, and complex layouts typical of document images.

document understanding

Improving Table Structure Recognition with Visual-Alignment Sequential Coordinate Modeling

no code implementations CVPR 2023 Yongshuai Huang, Ning Lu, Dapeng Chen, Yibo Li, Zecheng Xie, Shenggao Zhu, Liangcai Gao, Wei Peng

The ablation study also validates that the proposed coordinate sequence decoder and the visual-alignment loss are the keys to the success of our method.

Decoder Image to text

Aggregation Cross-Entropy for Sequence Recognition

2 code implementations CVPR 2019 Zecheng Xie, Yaoxiong Huang, Yuanzhi Zhu, Lianwen Jin, Yuliang Liu, Lele Xie

In this paper, we propose a novel method, aggregation cross-entropy (ACE), for sequence recognition from a brand new perspective.

Learning Spatial-Semantic Context with Fully Convolutional Recurrent Network for Online Handwritten Chinese Text Recognition

no code implementations9 Oct 2016 Zecheng Xie, Zenghui Sun, Lianwen Jin, Hao Ni, Terry Lyons

Online handwritten Chinese text recognition (OHCTR) is a challenging problem as it involves a large-scale character set, ambiguous segmentation, and variable-length input sequences.

Handwritten Chinese Text Recognition Language Modelling +1

Fully Convolutional Recurrent Network for Handwritten Chinese Text Recognition

no code implementations18 Apr 2016 Zecheng Xie, Zenghui Sun, Lianwen Jin, Ziyong Feng, Shuye Zhang

This paper proposes an end-to-end framework, namely fully convolutional recurrent network (FCRN) for handwritten Chinese text recognition (HCTR).

Handwriting Recognition Handwritten Chinese Text Recognition +1

Improved Deep Convolutional Neural Network For Online Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition using Domain-Specific Knowledge

no code implementations28 May 2015 Weixin Yang, Lianwen Jin, Zecheng Xie, Ziyong Feng

Deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) have achieved great success in various computer vision and pattern recognition applications, including those for handwritten Chinese character recognition (HCCR).


DropSample: A New Training Method to Enhance Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Large-Scale Unconstrained Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition

no code implementations20 May 2015 Weixin Yang, Lianwen Jin, DaCheng Tao, Zecheng Xie, Ziyong Feng

Inspired by the theory of Leitners learning box from the field of psychology, we propose DropSample, a new method for training deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs), and apply it to large-scale online handwritten Chinese character recognition (HCCR).

High Performance Offline Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition Using GoogLeNet and Directional Feature Maps

1 code implementation19 May 2015 Zhuoyao Zhong, Lianwen Jin, Zecheng Xie

We design a streamlined version of GoogLeNet [13], which was original proposed for image classification in recent years with very deep architecture, for HCCR (denoted as HCCR-GoogLeNet).

Image Classification Offline Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition

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