Search Results for author: Zewei Xu

Found 7 papers, 2 papers with code

Towards A Comprehensive Visual Saliency Explanation Framework for AI-based Face Recognition Systems

no code implementations8 Jul 2024 Yuhang Lu, Zewei Xu, Touradj Ebrahimi

Subsequently, the explanation framework conceives a new evaluation methodology that offers quantitative measurement and comparison of the performance of general visual saliency explanation methods in face recognition.

Face Recognition Face Verification

Explainable Face Verification via Feature-Guided Gradient Backpropagation

no code implementations7 Mar 2024 Yuhang Lu, Zewei Xu, Touradj Ebrahimi

Recent years have witnessed significant advancement in face recognition (FR) techniques, with their applications widely spread in people's lives and security-sensitive areas.

Face Recognition Face Verification

Discriminative Deep Feature Visualization for Explainable Face Recognition

no code implementations1 Jun 2023 Zewei Xu, Yuhang Lu, Touradj Ebrahimi

To further interpret the decision of an FR model, a novel visual saliency explanation algorithm has been proposed.

Face Recognition Face Reconstruction

Towards Visual Saliency Explanations of Face Verification

no code implementations15 May 2023 Yuhang Lu, Zewei Xu, Touradj Ebrahimi

In the past years, deep convolutional neural networks have been pushing the frontier of face recognition (FR) techniques in both verification and identification scenarios.

Decision Making Face Recognition +1

Wise-IoU: Bounding Box Regression Loss with Dynamic Focusing Mechanism

1 code implementation24 Jan 2023 Zanjia Tong, Yuhang Chen, Zewei Xu, Rong Yu

This allows WIoU to focus on ordinary-quality anchor boxes and improve the detector's overall performance.

object-detection Object Detection +1

Explainable Sentence-Level Sentiment Analysis for Amazon Product Reviews

no code implementations11 Nov 2021 Xuechun Li, Xueyao Sun, Zewei Xu, Yifan Zhou

For the study of interpretability, we consider the attention weights distribution of single sentence and the attention weights of main aspect terms.

Sentence Sentiment Analysis

DAPnet: A Double Self-attention Convolutional Network for Point Cloud Semantic Labeling

1 code implementation18 Apr 2020 Li Chen, Zewei Xu, Yongjian Fu, Haozhe Huang, Shaowen Wang, Haifeng Li

The incorporation of the double self-attention module has an average of 7\% improvement on the pre-class accuracy.

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