1 code implementation • 9 Oct 2023 • Xianming Gu, Lihui Wang, Zeyu Deng, Ying Cao, Xingyu Huang, Yue-Min Zhu
Specifically, we propose the cross-attention fusion (CAF) block, which adaptively fuses features of two modalities in the spatial and frequency domains by exchanging key and query values, and then calculates the cross-attention scores between the spatial and frequency features to further guide the spatial-frequential information fusion.
no code implementations • 17 Dec 2019 • Zeyu Deng, Lihui Wang, Zixiang Kuai, Qijian Chen, Xinyu Cheng, Feng Yang, Jie Yang, Yue-Min Zhu
The results on both simulated and acquired in vivo cardiac DW images showed that the proposed WSCNN method effectively compensates for motion-induced signal loss and produces in vivo cardiac DW images with better quality and more coherent fiber structures with respect to existing methods, which makes it an interesting method for measuring correctly the diffusion properties of the in vivo human heart in DTI under free breathing.
no code implementations • 13 Nov 2019 • Zeyu Deng, Abla Kammoun, Christos Thrampoulidis
We consider a model for logistic regression where only a subset of features of size $p$ is used for training a linear classifier over $n$ training samples.
no code implementations • 23 May 2019 • Qijian Chen, Lihui Wang, Li Wang, Zeyu Deng, Jian Zhang, Yuemin Zhu
Glioma grading before surgery is very critical for the prognosis prediction and treatment plan making.