Search Results for author: Zhanpeng Zhou

Found 11 papers, 5 papers with code

On the Optimization and Generalization of Two-layer Transformers with Sign Gradient Descent

no code implementations7 Oct 2024 Bingrui Li, Wei Huang, Andi Han, Zhanpeng Zhou, Taiji Suzuki, Jun Zhu, Jianfei Chen

We also show that Adam behaves similarly to SignGD in terms of both optimization and generalization in this setting.

On the Emergence of Cross-Task Linearity in the Pretraining-Finetuning Paradigm

1 code implementation6 Feb 2024 Zhanpeng Zhou, Zijun Chen, Yilan Chen, Bo Zhang, Junchi Yan

The pretraining-finetuning paradigm has become the prevailing trend in modern deep learning.

Going Beyond Neural Network Feature Similarity: The Network Feature Complexity and Its Interpretation Using Category Theory

no code implementations10 Oct 2023 Yiting Chen, Zhanpeng Zhou, Junchi Yan

In this paper, we expand the concept of equivalent feature and provide the definition of what we call functionally equivalent features.

Defects of Convolutional Decoder Networks in Frequency Representation

no code implementations17 Oct 2022 Ling Tang, Wen Shen, Zhanpeng Zhou, Yuefeng Chen, Quanshi Zhang

In this paper, we prove the representation defects of a cascaded convolutional decoder network, considering the capacity of representing different frequency components of an input sample.


Batch Normalization Is Blind to the First and Second Derivatives of the Loss

no code implementations30 May 2022 Zhanpeng Zhou, Wen Shen, Huixin Chen, Ling Tang, Quanshi Zhang

In this paper, we prove the effects of the BN operation on the back-propagation of the first and second derivatives of the loss.

Towards a Unified Game-Theoretic View of Adversarial Perturbations and Robustness

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2021 Jie Ren, Die Zhang, Yisen Wang, Lu Chen, Zhanpeng Zhou, Yiting Chen, Xu Cheng, Xin Wang, Meng Zhou, Jie Shi, Quanshi Zhang

This paper provides a unified view to explain different adversarial attacks and defense methods, i. e. the view of multi-order interactions between input variables of DNNs.

Adversarial Robustness

A Unified Game-Theoretic Interpretation of Adversarial Robustness

1 code implementation5 Nov 2021 Jie Ren, Die Zhang, Yisen Wang, Lu Chen, Zhanpeng Zhou, Yiting Chen, Xu Cheng, Xin Wang, Meng Zhou, Jie Shi, Quanshi Zhang

This paper provides a unified view to explain different adversarial attacks and defense methods, \emph{i. e.} the view of multi-order interactions between input variables of DNNs.

Adversarial Robustness

Towards a Game-Theoretic View of Baseline Values in the Shapley Value

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Jie Ren, Zhanpeng Zhou, Qirui Chen, Quanshi Zhang

In the computation of Shapley values, people usually set an input variable to its baseline value to represent the absence of this variable.

Can We Faithfully Represent Masked States to Compute Shapley Values on a DNN?

1 code implementation22 May 2021 Jie Ren, Zhanpeng Zhou, Qirui Chen, Quanshi Zhang

Masking some input variables of a deep neural network (DNN) and computing output changes on the masked input sample represent a typical way to compute attributions of input variables in the sample.

A Unified Game-Theoretic Interpretation of Adversarial Robustness

1 code implementation12 Mar 2021 Jie Ren, Die Zhang, Yisen Wang, Lu Chen, Zhanpeng Zhou, Yiting Chen, Xu Cheng, Xin Wang, Meng Zhou, Jie Shi, Quanshi Zhang

This paper provides a unified view to explain different adversarial attacks and defense methods, i. e. the view of multi-order interactions between input variables of DNNs.

Adversarial Robustness

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