1 code implementation • 25 May 2022 • Shuke Zhang, Yanzhao Jin, Tianmeng Liu, Qi Wang, Zhaohui Zhang, Shuliang Zhao, Bo Shan
We also develop an edge-based atom-pair feature aggregation method to represent complex interactions and a graph pooling-based method to predict the binding affinity of the complex.
no code implementations • ECCV 2020 • Anil Armagan, Guillermo Garcia-Hernando, Seungryul Baek, Shreyas Hampali, Mahdi Rad, Zhaohui Zhang, Shipeng Xie, Mingxiu Chen, Boshen Zhang, Fu Xiong, Yang Xiao, Zhiguo Cao, Junsong Yuan, Pengfei Ren, Weiting Huang, Haifeng Sun, Marek Hrúz, Jakub Kanis, Zdeněk Krňoul, Qingfu Wan, Shile Li, Linlin Yang, Dongheui Lee, Angela Yao, Weiguo Zhou, Sijia Mei, Yun-hui Liu, Adrian Spurr, Umar Iqbal, Pavlo Molchanov, Philippe Weinzaepfel, Romain Brégier, Grégory Rogez, Vincent Lepetit, Tae-Kyun Kim
To address these issues, we designed a public challenge (HANDS'19) to evaluate the abilities of current 3D hand pose estimators (HPEs) to interpolate and extrapolate the poses of a training set.
1 code implementation • 3 Jan 2020 • Zhaohui Zhang, Shipeng Xie, Mingxiu Chen, Haichao Zhu
Our method has two main parts: First, We propose a scheme of two-stage neural networks.
Ranked #2 on Hand Pose Estimation on HANDS 2019