Search Results for author: Zhe Feng

Found 32 papers, 13 papers with code

How to Strategize Human Content Creation in the Era of GenAI?

no code implementations7 Jun 2024 Seyed A. Esmaeili, Kshipra Bhawalkar, Zhe Feng, Di Wang, Haifeng Xu

In time-sensitive content domains (e. g., news or pop music creation) where contents' value diminishes over time, we show that there is no polynomial time algorithm for finding the human's optimal (dynamic) strategy, unless the randomized exponential time hypothesis is false.

Auctions with LLM Summaries

no code implementations11 Apr 2024 Kumar Avinava Dubey, Zhe Feng, Rahul Kidambi, Aranyak Mehta, Di Wang

We study an auction setting in which bidders bid for placement of their content within a summary generated by a large language model (LLM), e. g., an ad auction in which the display is a summary paragraph of multiple ads.

Language Modelling Large Language Model +1

Improved Online Learning Algorithms for CTR Prediction in Ad Auctions

no code implementations29 Feb 2024 Zhe Feng, Christopher Liaw, Zixin Zhou

In this work, we investigate the online learning problem of revenue maximization in ad auctions, where the seller needs to learn the click-through rates (CTRs) of each ad candidate and charge the price of the winner through a pay-per-click manner.

Click-Through Rate Prediction

Learning Thresholds with Latent Values and Censored Feedback

no code implementations7 Dec 2023 Jiahao Zhang, Tao Lin, Weiqiang Zheng, Zhe Feng, Yifeng Teng, Xiaotie Deng

In this paper, we investigate a problem of actively learning threshold in latent space, where the unknown reward $g(\gamma, v)$ depends on the proposed threshold $\gamma$ and latent value $v$ and it can be $only$ achieved if the threshold is lower than or equal to the unknown latent value.

Knowledge-grounded Natural Language Recommendation Explanation

no code implementations30 Aug 2023 Anthony Colas, Jun Araki, Zhengyu Zhou, Bingqing Wang, Zhe Feng

Explanations accompanied by a recommendation can assist users in understanding the decision made by recommendation systems, which in turn increases a user's confidence and trust in the system.

Collaborative Filtering Explainable Recommendation +1

Exploring the Dynamics of the Specialty Insurance Market Using a Novel Discrete Event Simulation Framework: a Lloyd's of London Case Study

no code implementations10 Jul 2023 Sedar Olmez, Akhil Ahmed, Keith Kam, Zhe Feng, Alan Tua

This research presents a novel Discrete Event Simulation (DES) of the Lloyd's of London specialty insurance market, exploring complex market dynamics that have not been previously studied quantitatively.


Pairwise Ranking Losses of Click-Through Rates Prediction for Welfare Maximization in Ad Auctions

no code implementations1 Jun 2023 Boxiang Lyu, Zhe Feng, Zachary Robertson, Sanmi Koyejo

We study the design of loss functions for click-through rates (CTR) to optimize (social) welfare in advertising auctions.


User Response in Ad Auctions: An MDP Formulation of Long-Term Revenue Optimization

no code implementations16 Feb 2023 Yang Cai, Zhe Feng, Christopher Liaw, Aranyak Mehta, Grigoris Velegkas

We characterize the optimal mechanism for this MDP as a Myerson's auction with a notion of modified virtual value, which relies on the value distribution of the advertiser, the current user state, and the future impact of showing the ad to the user.

Online Bidding Algorithms for Return-on-Spend Constrained Advertisers

no code implementations29 Aug 2022 Zhe Feng, Swati Padmanabhan, Di Wang

We contribute a simple online algorithm that achieves near-optimal regret in expectation while always respecting the specified RoS constraint when the input sequence of queries are i. i. d.

Incrementality Bidding via Reinforcement Learning under Mixed and Delayed Rewards

no code implementations2 Jun 2022 Ashwinkumar Badanidiyuru, Zhe Feng, Tianxi Li, Haifeng Xu

Incrementality, which is used to measure the causal effect of showing an ad to a potential customer (e. g. a user in an internet platform) versus not, is a central object for advertisers in online advertising platforms.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning +1

Sequential Information Design: Markov Persuasion Process and Its Efficient Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations22 Feb 2022 Jibang Wu, Zixuan Zhang, Zhe Feng, Zhaoran Wang, Zhuoran Yang, Michael I. Jordan, Haifeng Xu

This paper proposes a novel model of sequential information design, namely the Markov persuasion processes (MPPs), where a sender, with informational advantage, seeks to persuade a stream of myopic receivers to take actions that maximizes the sender's cumulative utilities in a finite horizon Markovian environment with varying prior and utility functions.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning (RL)

A Context-Integrated Transformer-Based Neural Network for Auction Design

1 code implementation29 Jan 2022 Zhijian Duan, Jingwu Tang, Yutong Yin, Zhe Feng, Xiang Yan, Manzil Zaheer, Xiaotie Deng

One of the central problems in auction design is developing an incentive-compatible mechanism that maximizes the auctioneer's expected revenue.

Learning to Bid in Contextual First Price Auctions

no code implementations7 Sep 2021 Ashwinkumar Badanidiyuru, Zhe Feng, Guru Guruganesh

For binary feedback, when the noise distribution $\mathcal{F}$ is known, we propose a bidding algorithm, by using maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) method to achieve at most $\widetilde{O}(\sqrt{\log(d) T})$ regret.

Deep Learning for Two-Sided Matching

no code implementations7 Jul 2021 Sai Srivatsa Ravindranath, Zhe Feng, Shira Li, Jonathan Ma, Scott D. Kominers, David C. Parkes

What is of most interest is to use machine learning to understand the possibility of new tradeoffs between strategy-proofness and stability.

valid Vocal Bursts Valence Prediction

GLaRA: Graph-based Labeling Rule Augmentation for Weakly Supervised Named Entity Recognition

1 code implementation EACL 2021 Xinyan Zhao, Haibo Ding, Zhe Feng

Instead of using expensive manual annotations, researchers have proposed to train named entity recognition (NER) systems using heuristic labeling rules.

Graph Neural Network named-entity-recognition +3

A New Approach to Overgenerating and Scoring Abstractive Summaries

1 code implementation NAACL 2021 Kaiqiang Song, Bingqing Wang, Zhe Feng, Fei Liu

We propose a new approach to generate multiple variants of the target summary with diverse content and varying lengths, then score and select admissible ones according to users' needs.

Text Summarization

Learning to Classify Events from Human Needs Category Descriptions

no code implementations Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2020 Haibo Ding, Zhe Feng

We study the problem of learning an event classifier from human needs category descriptions, which is challenging due to: (1) the use of highly abstract concepts in natural language descriptions, (2) the difficulty of choosing key concepts.

Zero-Shot Learning

Reserve Price Optimization for First Price Auctions

no code implementations11 Jun 2020 Zhe Feng, Sébastien Lahaie, Jon Schneider, Jinchao Ye

The display advertising industry has recently transitioned from second- to first-price auctions as its primary mechanism for ad allocation and pricing.

Controlling the Amount of Verbatim Copying in Abstractive Summarization

1 code implementation23 Nov 2019 Kaiqiang Song, Bingqing Wang, Zhe Feng, Liu Ren, Fei Liu

In this paper, we present a neural summarization model that, by learning from single human abstracts, can produce a broad spectrum of summaries ranging from purely extractive to highly generative ones.

Abstractive Text Summarization Language Modelling

Towards Domain Invariant Heart Sound Abnormality Detection using Learnable Filterbanks

1 code implementation29 Sep 2019 Ahmed Imtiaz Humayun, Shabnam Ghaffarzadegan, Md. Istiaq Ansari, Zhe Feng, Taufiq Hasan

Cardiac auscultation is the most practiced non-invasive and cost-effective procedure for the early diagnosis of heart diseases.

Signal Processing

The Intrinsic Robustness of Stochastic Bandits to Strategic Manipulation

no code implementations ICML 2020 Zhe Feng, David C. Parkes, Haifeng Xu

We prove that all three algorithms achieve a regret upper bound $\mathcal{O}(\max \{ B, K\ln T\})$ where $B$ is the total budget across arms, $K$ is the total number of arms and $T$ is length of the time horizon.

Recommendation Systems Thompson Sampling

Online Learning for Measuring Incentive Compatibility in Ad Auctions

no code implementations21 Jan 2019 Zhe Feng, Okke Schrijvers, Eric Sodomka

In this paper we investigate the problem of measuring end-to-end Incentive Compatibility (IC) regret given black-box access to an auction mechanism.

Improving Slot Filling in Spoken Language Understanding with Joint Pointer and Attention

1 code implementation ACL 2018 Lin Zhao, Zhe Feng

We present a generative neural network model for slot filling based on a sequence-to-sequence (Seq2Seq) model together with a pointer network, in the situation where only sentence-level slot annotations are available in the spoken dialogue data.

Sentence slot-filling +3

An Ensemble of Transfer, Semi-supervised and Supervised Learning Methods for Pathological Heart Sound Classification

1 code implementation18 Jun 2018 Ahmed Imtiaz Humayun, Md. Tauhiduzzaman Khan, Shabnam Ghaffarzadegan, Zhe Feng, Taufiq Hasan

In this work, we propose an ensemble of classifiers to distinguish between various degrees of abnormalities of the heart using Phonocardiogram (PCG) signals acquired using digital stethoscopes in a clinical setting, for the INTERSPEECH 2018 Computational Paralinguistics (ComParE) Heart Beats SubChallenge.

General Classification Representation Learning +1

Learning Front-end Filter-bank Parameters using Convolutional Neural Networks for Abnormal Heart Sound Detection

1 code implementation15 Jun 2018 Ahmed Imtiaz Humayun, Shabnam Ghaffarzadegan, Zhe Feng, Taufiq Hasan

In this work, we propound a novel CNN architecture that integrates the front-end bandpass filters within the network using time-convolution (tConv) layers, which enables the FIR filter-bank parameters to become learnable.

Anomaly Detection

Learning to Bid Without Knowing your Value

1 code implementation3 Nov 2017 Zhe Feng, Chara Podimata, Vasilis Syrgkanis

We address online learning in complex auction settings, such as sponsored search auctions, where the value of the bidder is unknown to her, evolving in an arbitrary manner and observed only if the bidder wins an allocation.

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