Search Results for author: Zhen Pan

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

Formation Rate of Extreme Mass Ratio Inspirals in Active Galactic Nuclei

no code implementations22 Jan 2021 Zhen Pan, Huan Yang

In this work, we calculate the rate of EMRIs of an alternative formation channel: EMRI formation assisted by the accretion flow around accreting massive black holes.

High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology

Variance Reduced Local SGD with Lower Communication Complexity

1 code implementation30 Dec 2019 Xianfeng Liang, Shuheng Shen, Jingchang Liu, Zhen Pan, Enhong Chen, Yifei Cheng

To accelerate the training of machine learning models, distributed stochastic gradient descent (SGD) and its variants have been widely adopted, which apply multiple workers in parallel to speed up training.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

Crowdfunding Dynamics Tracking: A Reinforcement Learning Approach

no code implementations27 Dec 2019 Jun Wang, Hefu Zhang, Qi Liu, Zhen Pan, Hanqing Tao

However, few of them take into account the inherent decision-making process between investors and crowdfunding dynamics.

continuous-control Continuous Control +6

Estimating Early Fundraising Performance of Innovations via Graph-based Market Environment Model

no code implementations14 Dec 2019 Likang Wu, Zhi Li, Hongke Zhao, Zhen Pan, Qi Liu, Enhong Chen

In the crowdfunding market, the early fundraising performance of the project is a concerned issue for both creators and platforms.

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