Search Results for author: Zhen Xie

Found 11 papers, 2 papers with code

GFormer: Accelerating Large Language Models with Optimized Transformers on Gaudi Processors

no code implementations19 Dec 2024 Chengming Zhang, Xinheng Ding, Baixi Sun, Xiaodong Yu, Weijian Zheng, Zhen Xie, Dingwen Tao

Heterogeneous hardware like Gaudi processor has been developed to enhance computations, especially matrix operations for Transformer-based large language models (LLMs) for generative AI tasks.


CityLLaVA: Efficient Fine-Tuning for VLMs in City Scenario

1 code implementation6 May 2024 Zhizhao Duan, Hao Cheng, Duo Xu, Xi Wu, Xiangxie Zhang, Xi Ye, Zhen Xie

In the vast and dynamic landscape of urban settings, Traffic Safety Description and Analysis plays a pivotal role in applications ranging from insurance inspection to accident prevention.

Position Prompt Engineering

DeepSpeed4Science Initiative: Enabling Large-Scale Scientific Discovery through Sophisticated AI System Technologies

no code implementations6 Oct 2023 Shuaiwen Leon Song, Bonnie Kruft, Minjia Zhang, Conglong Li, Shiyang Chen, Chengming Zhang, Masahiro Tanaka, Xiaoxia Wu, Jeff Rasley, Ammar Ahmad Awan, Connor Holmes, Martin Cai, Adam Ghanem, Zhongzhu Zhou, Yuxiong He, Pete Luferenko, Divya Kumar, Jonathan Weyn, Ruixiong Zhang, Sylwester Klocek, Volodymyr Vragov, Mohammed AlQuraishi, Gustaf Ahdritz, Christina Floristean, Cristina Negri, Rao Kotamarthi, Venkatram Vishwanath, Arvind Ramanathan, Sam Foreman, Kyle Hippe, Troy Arcomano, Romit Maulik, Maxim Zvyagin, Alexander Brace, Bin Zhang, Cindy Orozco Bohorquez, Austin Clyde, Bharat Kale, Danilo Perez-Rivera, Heng Ma, Carla M. Mann, Michael Irvin, J. Gregory Pauloski, Logan Ward, Valerie Hayot, Murali Emani, Zhen Xie, Diangen Lin, Maulik Shukla, Ian Foster, James J. Davis, Michael E. Papka, Thomas Brettin, Prasanna Balaprakash, Gina Tourassi, John Gounley, Heidi Hanson, Thomas E Potok, Massimiliano Lupo Pasini, Kate Evans, Dan Lu, Dalton Lunga, Junqi Yin, Sajal Dash, Feiyi Wang, Mallikarjun Shankar, Isaac Lyngaas, Xiao Wang, Guojing Cong, Pei Zhang, Ming Fan, Siyan Liu, Adolfy Hoisie, Shinjae Yoo, Yihui Ren, William Tang, Kyle Felker, Alexey Svyatkovskiy, Hang Liu, Ashwin Aji, Angela Dalton, Michael Schulte, Karl Schulz, Yuntian Deng, Weili Nie, Josh Romero, Christian Dallago, Arash Vahdat, Chaowei Xiao, Thomas Gibbs, Anima Anandkumar, Rick Stevens

In the upcoming decade, deep learning may revolutionize the natural sciences, enhancing our capacity to model and predict natural occurrences.

scientific discovery

HPC-GPT: Integrating Large Language Model for High-Performance Computing

no code implementations3 Oct 2023 Xianzhong Ding, Le Chen, Murali Emani, Chunhua Liao, Pei-Hung Lin, Tristan Vanderbruggen, Zhen Xie, Alberto E. Cerpa, Wan Du

Large Language Models (LLMs), including the LLaMA model, have exhibited their efficacy across various general-domain natural language processing (NLP) tasks.

Language Modeling Language Modelling +1

Transfer Learning Across Heterogeneous Features For Efficient Tensor Program Generation

1 code implementation11 Apr 2023 Gaurav Verma, Siddhisanket Raskar, Zhen Xie, Abid M Malik, Murali Emani, Barbara Chapman

Tuning tensor program generation involves searching for various possible program transformation combinations for a given program on target hardware to optimize the tensor program execution.

Transfer Learning

Degrees of Freedom and Information Criteria for the Synthetic Control Method

no code implementations6 Jul 2022 Guillaume Allaire Pouliot, Zhen Xie

We provide an analytical characterization of the model flexibility of the synthetic control method (SCM) in the familiar form of degrees of freedom.

Model Selection

Adaptive Neural Network-Based Approximation to Accelerate Eulerian Fluid Simulation

no code implementations26 Aug 2020 Wenqian Dong, Jie Liu, Zhen Xie, Dong Li

Evaluating with 20, 480 input problems, we show that Smartfluidnet achieves 1. 46x and 590x speedup comparing with a state-of-the-art neural network model and the original fluid simulation respectively on an NVIDIA Titan X Pascal GPU, while providing better simulation quality than the state-of-the-art model.

Smart-PGSim: Using Neural Network to Accelerate AC-OPF Power Grid Simulation

no code implementations26 Aug 2020 Wenqian Dong, Zhen Xie, Gokcen Kestor, Dong Li

In this paper, we develop a neural network approach to the problem of accelerating the current optimal power flow (AC-OPF) by generating an intelligent initial solution.


FLAME: A Self-Adaptive Auto-labeling System for Heterogeneous Mobile Processors

no code implementations3 Mar 2020 Jie Liu, Jiawen Liu, Zhen Xie, Dong Li

How to accurately and efficiently label data on a mobile device is critical for the success of training machine learning models on mobile devices.

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