Search Results for author: Zheng Lu

Found 9 papers, 0 papers with code

Analytics and Machine Learning in Vehicle Routing Research

no code implementations19 Feb 2021 Ruibin Bai, Xinan Chen, Zhi-Long Chen, Tianxiang Cui, Shuhui Gong, Wentao He, Xiaoping Jiang, Huan Jin, Jiahuan Jin, Graham Kendall, Jiawei Li, Zheng Lu, Jianfeng Ren, Paul Weng, Ning Xue, Huayan Zhang

The Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) is one of the most intensively studied combinatorial optimisation problems for which numerous models and algorithms have been proposed.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

Retrieving and ranking short medical questions with two stages neural matching model

no code implementations16 Nov 2020 Xiang Li, Xinyu Fu, Zheng Lu, Ruibin Bai, Uwe Aickelin, Peiming Ge, Gong Liu

Internet hospital is a rising business thanks to recent advances in mobile web technology and high demand of health care services.

Information Retrieval Retrieval

Accurate Human Gesture Sensing With Coarse-Grained RF Signatures

no code implementations IEEE Access ( Volume: 7 ) 2019 Hongyu Sun, Zheng Lu, Chin-Ling Chen, Jie Cao, Zhenjiang Tan

RF-based gesture sensing and recognition has increasingly attracted intense academic and industrial interest due to its various device-free applications in daily life, such as elder monitoring, mobile games.

RF-based Gesture Recognition

Collaborative Multi-modal deep learning for the personalized product retrieval in Facebook Marketplace

no code implementations31 May 2018 Zheng Lu, Tan Zhao, Han Kun, Mao Ren

Building the recommendation system for Facebook Marketplace is challenging for two reasons: 1) Scalability: the number of products in Facebook Marketplace is huge.


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