Search Results for author: Zhengguang Wu

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code

Spatio-Temporal Communication Compression for Distributed Prime-Dual Optimization

no code implementations14 Aug 2024 Zihao Ren, Lei Wang, Xinlei Yi, Xi Wang, Deming Yuan, Tao Yang, Zhengguang Wu, Guodong Shi

In this paper, we demonstrate that effective information compression may occur over time or space during sequences of node communications in distributed algorithms, leading to the concept of spatio-temporal compressors.

Distributed Optimization

Model-Free Load Frequency Control of Nonlinear Power Systems Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations7 Mar 2024 Xiaodi Chen, Meng Zhang, Zhengguang Wu, Ligang Wu, Xiaohong Guan

Load frequency control (LFC) is widely employed in power systems to stabilize frequency fluctuation and guarantee power quality.

Deep Reinforcement Learning

Differentially Private Average Consensus with Improved Accuracy-Privacy Trade-off

no code implementations15 Sep 2023 Lei Wang, Weijia Liu, Fanghong Guo, Zixin Qiao, Zhengguang Wu

Gaussian noise and the output of the mechanism using Gaussian noises, it is shown that the resulting average consensus algorithm can eliminate the gap in the sense that the accuracy-privacy trade-off of the centralized averaging approach with differential privacy can be almost recovered by appropriately designing the variances of the added noises.

Harmonizing output imbalance for defect segmentation on extremely-imbalanced photovoltaic module cells images

no code implementations10 Nov 2022 Jianye Yi, Xiaopin Zhong, Weixiang Liu, Zongze Wu, Yuanlong Deng, Zhengguang Wu

This extreme imbalance makes it difficult to segment the THC of PV module cells, which is also a challenge for semantic segmentation.

Semantic Segmentation

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